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Why do doctors ask if you have a boyfriend?

Why do doctors ask if you have a boyfriend?

This is why doctors ask their patients if they are having sex or have had sex in the past. Knowing this lets the doctor test for “hidden” infections to be sure everything’s OK. It also means the doctor can give you the right advice for your situation.

Why do doctors ask you if you feel safe at home?

Doctors want to know whether you feel safe and supported in your personal life. The CDC defines domestic violence, or intimate partner violence, as abuse or aggression that occurs in a personal relationship, whether the abuser is a spouse or dating partner, or the relationship is heterosexual or same-sex.

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What are some common questions patients are asked when they go to the doctor for an appointment?

Questions to ask your doctor before a medical test

  • Why is the test being done?
  • What steps does the test involve? How should I get ready?
  • Are there any dangers or side effects?
  • How will I find out the results? How long will it take to get the results?
  • What will we know after the test?

What do I say to my doctor about my physical?

10 Questions To Ask At Your Yearly Physical

  • How Do I Get My Results?
  • Does My Family History Put Me At Risk?
  • Am I Old Enough For That?
  • Is Stress Impacting My Health?
  • How Is My Weight?
  • What Vaccinations Do I Need?
  • Are My Habits Harmful?
  • Are My Prescriptions Still Relevant?

What is it like dating a doctor?

Dating a doctor will surely give you some sense of personal growth and character development. You’ll learn how to be selfless and more understanding. You’ll be shocked to see yourself not only going through lengths to understand your boyfriend, but you can also see yourself understanding other people a lot more.

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What happens if you say you dont feel safe at home?

Dealing with an unsafe home environment can trigger stacks of emotions. You might feel upset, stressed, reactive, angry or just plain exhausted. It’s common to feel scared, ashamed or worried about how people will react when you tell them, but it can be really helpful to talk and unload a bit of the weight.

Can a doctor ask you personal questions?

Physicians ask a lot of personal questions about your behavior, from sex practices to alcohol and drug usage. The point is to look for risk factors associated with various medical conditions, like sexually transmitted infections or infections caused by intravenous drug injections.

What questions do wellness checks ask?

Top 10 questions you should be asking your doctor during your annual wellness exam

  1. Do I still need my medications?
  2. Does my family’s health put me at risk?
  3. Are my bowel movements normal?
  4. Am I getting enough sleep?
  5. How is my blood pressure?
  6. Is this normal?
  7. Would you recommend any additional annual screenings?
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What do doctors check in a check up?

Your provider will collect basic health information such as weight, height and vital signs, including blood pressure, heart rate and temperature. “This helps us watch for trends over time, and also investigate vitals that are outside of normal range,” Post said.