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Why do double barrel shotguns have 2 triggers?

Why do double barrel shotguns have 2 triggers?

A primary function of any trigger system on a double-barrel gun is to prevent doubling (which is both barrels firing at once). Mechanical trigger systems do this by mechanically resetting the sear while inertia systems use recoil forces to reset the sear. Double-trigger systems are an older design and more traditional.

What is the purpose of double triggers?

A double-stage trigger requires two separate “pulls,” or mechanical actions, before the sear can release the firing pin. To oversimplify things, it means that the sear is held at two points instead of one, and unless both are released, the rifle can’t go bang.

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Which trigger fires which barrel on a double barrel shotgun?

The front trigger fires the right barrel and is better for close shots. If your first shot is a long one, you may opt to shoot the back trigger first for a better pattern.

How many triggers does a double barrel shotgun have?

Two triggers on a double-barrel shotgun, one for each barrel.

What shotguns have mechanical triggers?

Two Browning over and under shotguns currently have mechanical triggers. They are the Citori 725 and the Cynergy.

How common is double trigger acceleration?

The most common acceleration agreement these days combines 25\% – 50\% single trigger acceleration with 50\% – 100\% double trigger acceleration. The median of this range is probably 50\% single trigger combined with 100\% double trigger.

Which is better side by side or over under?

Barrels of a side-by sit higher up while the stacked nature of an over/under positions them deeper into the stock. The O/U’s first barrel recoil is low in the shoulder and produces less barrel flip than a side-by. Second shots can be more accurate, which is why clay target competitions are won by over/under shooters.

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Who made the first side by side shotgun?

Lefever Arms Co: Introduced in 1883, these side-by-sides are part boxlock, part sidelock, and the first commercially successful hammerless shotguns made in the United States. Shotguns bearing the Lefever Arms Co. name were made until 1919. In all, around 73,000 were built.

Who makes double trigger shotguns?

$449. Stoeger Coach Guns single and double trigger shotguns are based on the Old West stagecoach guard’s shotgun of choice. The handsome and affordable single- and double-trigger scatterguns pack a potent punch. All of these coach guns are ideal for Cowboy Action shooting and home defense.