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Why do guys wear their pants down so low?

Why do guys wear their pants down so low?

The style was popularized by skaters and hip-hop musicians in the 1990s. It is often claimed the style originated from the United States prison system where belts are sometimes prohibited and there can be a lack of appropriately sized clothing.

How do I keep my pants up with a big stomach?

How do I keep my pants up if I have a big belly or stomach? Suspenders or a suspenders alternative, such as PantsProp or Hikers, are the best ways to keep your pants from falling down if you have a big belly.

Why do some guys sag their pants?

ORIGINATING FROM PRISON UNIFORMS AND POPULARISED BY HIP-HOP AND SKATE CULTURE. One of the most widely repeated stories proposes that in the American prison system, sagging pants were a sign of ‘sexual availability’ and that this is where the trend first originated.

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How do you keep pants in with a big stomach and no butt?

If you don’t have a butt or hips, belts don’t have anything to rest on. The only way to keep your pants from falling down is to cinch your belt so tightly that it digs into your lower belly and makes your muffin top pop. Our bodies expand throughout the day, and it’s not polite to re-buckle your belt in public.

How do you keep pants up without suspenders?

Push the cube, covered by the tee shirt, through the loop. Attach the PantsUp cubes to each side of your tee shirt near your hip bone (so they can’t sink in away from the belt). When you put on your pants your belt will rest on the cubes rather than sliding down your hips and keep your pants up!

How do I keep my pants from falling down without a belt?

How to Prevent Your Jeans From Falling Down Without a Belt

  1. Buy Jeans With an Elastic Band. Not all jeans are made equal.
  2. Clip the Side of Your Jeans.
  3. Wear Multiple Layers…
  4. Wear Suspenders.
  5. Create a Makeshift Belt With String.
  6. Shrink Your Jeans.
  7. Get the Right Size.
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Why do my pants keep falling down?

If you wear low-quality jeans, they may slide down. The problem with low-quality jeans is that they aren’t made with the same level of attention and detail as high-quality jeans. As a result, they may have too much or too little fabric around the waistline, which may cause them to slide down when worn.