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Why do hotel rooms always have a Bible?

Why do hotel rooms always have a Bible?

Whenever new hotels would open in town, a member of the organization would meet with the managers and present them with a free copy of the Bible. They would then offer to furnish every room of the hotel with a copy. By the 1920s, the name Gideon had become synonymous with the free Bible distribution.

Who are the people that put Bibles in hotel rooms?

Gideons International, the evangelical Christian organization that provides the scriptures, donated more than 1.4 million Bibles to hotels around the world between June 2018 and May 2019 alone, according to chief program advancement officer Sam Siple. Of those, nearly 650,000 were in the United States.

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Why is there a Bible in hotel rooms Australia?

Members of Gideon International often met with the managers of new hotels, presented them with a free copy of the Bible, and offered to equip every room in the hotel with a copy, too. Thus, the dependable hotel room Bible spread across the nation. This trend is reminiscent of the real reason hotels have ice machines.

Do they still put Bibles in hotel rooms?

Not as many hotel rooms provide Bibles today Technically, however, it’s not one of the 8 things you’ll definitely never see in your hotel room again, yet. The number of hotels that provide religious materials has dropped by about 15 percent. In 2006, 95 percent of hotels provided a Bible at your bedside.

Why do UK hotel rooms have Bibles?

The practice of placing Bibles in British hotel rooms originated with the Commercial Travellers’ Christian Association late in the Victorian era. The organisation was founded in 1888, with backing from the owners of biscuit manufacturer McVitie’s, and donated bibles to hotels around the country.

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Why is there a Bible in hotel rooms UK?

Members of Gideon International often met with the managers of new hotels, presented them with a free copy of the Bible, and offered to equip every room in the hotel with a copy, too. Thus, the dependable hotel room Bible spread across the nation.

Why do we put Bibles in hotels?

They could be used not only by the Gideons’ members as they traveled around the country, but also borrowed by other guests in need of them. They started with the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana, then set out to put a Bible in every hotel room in America.

Why do hotels have Gideon Bibles in the rooms?

Because the Gideons put them there! The Gideon Bible is not some special version or translation of the Bible that hotels really like (the books are usually plain old King James Versions); they’re named for the group that distributes them.

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When did the in-drawer Bible become a thing?

And although ditching hotel Bibles may seem like a youthful move, the concept of the in-drawer Bible is actually only about a century old. Gideon International — the group responsible for distributing Gideon’s Bibles — was only formed in 1899 (when two Christian salesmen ended up sharing a hotel room).

Which hotels have the Book of Mormon in their rooms?

The Marriott hotel chain, founded by a Mormon, places the The Book of Mormon in many of its rooms, and many hotels also offer Buddhist, Hindu, Christian Scientist or Scientologist books along with the standard Gideon Bible.