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Why do I hate going to the bathroom in public?

Why do I hate going to the bathroom in public?

1 Paruresis is also known as urophobia, shy kidney, shy bladder, or bashful bladder syndrome (BBS). Paruresis is experienced by women and men of all ages and when severe and untreated can lead to medical complications. Paruresis is considered to be a social phobia.

How do I get over my fear of pooping in public bathrooms?

Tips to ease your fears Carry a small bottle of air purifier or sanitizing spray with you to use when you need a public bathroom. Line the inside of the toilet bowl with toilet paper. This will help absorb some of the sound. Flush several times while pooping.

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What is toilet anxiety?

Toilet phobia involves fears around toilets, which can include: fear of being too far from a toilet, fear of using a public toilet, fear that others may be watching or scrutinising/listening, or fears of not being able to go to the toilet.

Is being poop shy a thing?

Fear of pooping in public is referred to as shy bowel or parcopresis. People with this condition have an overwhelming fear of being judged by others because of the sounds or smells associated with defecation. This condition has not been studied extensively, but it is thought to be a social anxiety disorder or phobia.

Can you have OCD about going to the toilet?

Some view it as an obsessive spectrum disorder where the patient is preoccupied with thoughts and imageries of bowel motion and fear or embarrassment of experiencing an episode of incontinence in public and exhibits ritualistic behaviors of visiting toilets in certain circumstances.

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How can I get over my fear of public toilets?

Tips to ease your fears

  1. Remember that everyone poops.
  2. Carry a small bottle of air purifier or sanitizing spray with you to use when you need a public bathroom.
  3. Line the inside of the toilet bowl with toilet paper.
  4. Flush several times while pooping.