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Why do I have a feminine voice as a guy?

Why do I have a feminine voice as a guy?

During puberty, males produce hormones which thicken and generally bulk up the vocal folds, causing their pitch to lower. Males often speak at 65 to 260 Hertz, while females speak in the 100 to 525 Hz range. A voice of 100 to 260 Hz sounds just as “masculine” as it is “feminine.”

Can a guy sound like a girl?

The voice isn’t changed in the male to female transition, he said. Is it possible to teach a biological male to sound convincingly like a woman? “Yes, but it takes a lot of work,” Dembowski said.

What kind of female voice do guys like?

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Their study revealed that males find female voices that indicate a smaller body size—high-pitched, breathy voices with wide formant spacing—most attractive. Females, on the other hand, prefer to hear a low-pitched voice with narrow formant spacing, reflecting a larger body size.

Why is a woman’s voice shriller than a man’s voice?

EXPLANATION: The shrillness or pitch of a sound is determined by its frequency. From above it is clear that the pitch of the female voice is higher than the pitch of the male voice, therefore a woman’s voice is shriller than a man’s voice, due to higher frequency.

Why do girls’ voices sound higher than boys’ voices?

Girls’ vocal cords are usually shorter and thinner than most boys’, which is why their voices sound higher. This difference in pitch is even more noticeable in grown-up men and women. When you get a little older, you’ll experience something called puberty (PYOO-bur-tee). It’s your first step towards being an adult.

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Does a man’s voice make him more sexually attractive?

A Deep Voice Doesn’t Always Mean a Fertile Man While women may prefer a deep, George Clooney-esque voice, men with this trait don’t always possess the virility you’d expect. Previous research published in PLOS One examined vocal tone as it relates to sexual attractiveness in men.

Do men and women prefer differently-pitched voices?

Men prefer high-pitched voices that indicate a small body size, while women prefer low-pitched voices because they indicate a larger body size, though women don’t care for voices that indicate aggression, according to a study published today in the journal PLOS One. Animal Instincts and the Human Voice

Why do women’s voice pitches change when they leave messages?

Women’s voice pitch is used as a sexual signal. In a paper just published in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, Paul J. Fraccaro and his colleagues investigated changes in women’s voice pitch as a function of whether they are leaving a voice message to a man that they find attractive or not.