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Why do my feet stink when I take off my shoes?

Why do my feet stink when I take off my shoes?

Bacteria collect in your shoes, socks, and on your skin. The bacteria multiply, eating the dead skin cells and oil that are on your feet. As the bacteria breaks down, it releases a smelly odor.

How do I stop my feet from smelling after work?

Home Remedies for Stinky Feet

  1. Practice good hygiene. Keep feet clean, dry and cool.
  2. Try a spray. Purchase an over-the-counter foot deodorant or antiperspirant.
  3. Dry your feet. Make sure to towel off feet after a shower or bath.
  4. Purchase medicated insoles.
  5. Wear the right socks.
  6. Watch your diet.

Why do my feet smell after standing all day?

Why? Because their feet are extra sweaty and become home to bacteria called Kyetococcus sedentarius (say: kite-oh-KAH-kus SEH-den-tair-ee-us). These bacteria produce more than just stinky organic acids — they also produce stuff called volatile sulfur compounds. Sulfur compounds usually are powerful and awful smelling.

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Why do my feet smell like corn chips?

That corn chips smell is caused by naturally occurring bacteria. Two types are typically involved, both of which give off a yeasty odor. Both the Pseudomonas and Proteus bacteria can cause the corn chip smell, and both are completely harmless. Even healthy dogs have normal bacteria on their feet and skin (we do, too).

Why do my shoes smell like Cheetos?

When your feet are covered with close-toed shoes and you run around all day, your feet sweat. In fact, one type of bacteria, brevibacterium, lives in between the toes, thrives in a damp, salty environment, and produces the cheese-like smell of feet.

What can I soak my feet in to stop them smelling?

Soak your feet in a mixture of Epsom salts and water, or vinegar and water. With Epsom salts, combine half a cup in a tub of warm water and soak your feet for 15 minutes. The salts will pull the moisture out of your skin, which makes for a less than ideal environment for the bacteria.

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What is popcorn feet?

Frito/Corn Chip/Popcorn Feet?? Because dogs sweat through their foot pads, the sweat sometimes gets trapped in-between the fur and your pup’s foot pads. The natural bacteria, proteus, and yeast form and then develops a funky noticeable odor.. If you’re smelling a funky odor, this is probably the case.