Popular lifehacks

Why do people point their fingers in photos?

Why do people point their fingers in photos?

Pointing is fine, because it means “Hey, you caught me!” or “Hey, I know your game, Mr Photo Man!” or “Look out! There’s a train!”. Pointing is therefore often employed by your standard popular dude. That may or may not be you – but keep pointing, and one day it might be.

What does the V sign mean in photos?

Take a photograph of someone from Asia, or better still a group of people, and even better still in front of a popular tourist attraction, and they will inevitably put the two fingers up in the V-for-Victory sign or peace sign.

What does 2 fingers mean in photos?

Two-Finger Salute That’s rumored to be the equivalent of the middle finger in Britain. And even if you live in the US, you might have seen this one once or twice. Then again, for some kids, it’s just a peace sign — so don’t jump to conclusions.

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Why do people pose two fingers?

This origin legend states that English archers believed that those who were captured by the French had their index and middle fingers cut off so that they could no longer operate their longbows, and that the V sign was used by uncaptured and victorious archers in a display of defiance against the French.

What does 2 fingers mean in photo?

What does sideways two fingers mean?

What is the meaning of the sideways “peace” double-finger sign that teenagers sometimes flash? Some people also call the sign “deuces,” and when they use it they call it “chunking the deuce” as a combination peace and goodbye sign.

What does holding 2 fingers up mean?

to do something rude as a way of showing you do not care what someone thinks. This is his way of sticking two fingers up at society. Synonyms and related words. To be cruel or unkind to someone.

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What does two arm fingers mean?

When somebody puts two fingers on their arm it means that they are revealing a truth or reality about themself. Usually, these types of videos are made up of two clips. Then, the video cuts to a new clip of them putting two fingers on their arm.