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Why do sergeants not like to be called sir?

Why do sergeants not like to be called sir?

What happens if you call a sergeant sir? Officers are addressed as “sir”, while higher ranking enlisted men are addressed by their rank. Calling a sargeant implies he isn’t willing to work hard and get is hands dirty.

How do you refer to a sergeant?

Enlisted Soldiers and NCOs: Address sergeants, staff sergeants, sergeants first class, and master sergeants as “Sergeant (last name).” Address first sergeants as “First Sergeant (last name).” Address sergeants major as “Sergeant Major (last name).”

Is it appropriate to call a sergeant Sir?

The distinction between the two is quite significant in traditions, roles, and charges, so it would be no more appropriate to call a sergeant sir, than it would be to call an “officer” sergeant! Since as I said before, service in the military is not just a part of life or simply a lifestyle, but that it “is a life” in and of itself.

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What does it mean to be called Sir in the military?

The term “sir” (or “ma’am”) is a term of respect, but respect goes both ways. The terms used for enlisted men and women are terms of respect as well. Being a soldier, Marine, sailor, etc., is worthy of respect on its own, and that respect is manifested by the terms we use to identify them.

What is the difference between a sergeant major and a sergeant?

In the Marines you call an enlisted person by their rank; all officers are sir. In the Army you call someone by their rank – private, corporal, specialist; all Sergeants are lumped up in the singular term “Sergeant” – but Sergeant Majors are called Sergeant Major.

Is it disrespectful to call someone “Sir”?

No disrespect, but while you’re calling me the other guy, who to the uninitiated, might be considered the standard since the term (sir) is considered one of respect, you’re simply failing to pay homage to all that I (as “the Sergeant”) represent.