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Why do telephone wires sag in winter?

Why do telephone wires sag in winter?

Telephone wires are made up of Copper. As we know that metals expand in heat and shrink in cold temperatures. So, during summer the rising temperature makes the copper in the wire expand – so it gets sagged. but, during winter, the scenario is completely reverse and the copper contracts and so the wire becomes tight.

Why are the telephone cables taut in winter and slacken in summer?

Originally Answered: Why are telephone wires taut in winter and slackened in the summer? Telephone lines takes the shape of a catenary, a curve that is displayed due to the weight of the telephone line. The Telephone line sags in the summer due to expansion and it is taut in the winter due to contraction.

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Why do power lines sag more in summer than winter?

A line sags more in hot weather and less in cold weather. The reason for this is because conductors expand in hot weather; in other words the length of the conductor increases as the temperature increases. It follows that in cold weather the metallic conductor will be shorter than in warm weather.

Why do telephone wires sag down during summer days?

Solution: The telephone wires will sag in summer due to expansions. While putting up the wires between the pole care is taken care in winter they are kept light so that they may not sag too much.

Why do electrical wires sag in the summer?

This process is called thermal expansion. The same process happens in the electric wire. During summer, the heat makes the molecules move wider apart and hence it sags and during the winter follows the opposite process and gets contacted.

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Why do telephone wires sag in summer class 7?

The telephone wires will sag in summer due to expansions and will break in winter due to contraction. Therefore, while putting up the wires between the poles, care is taken that in summer they are kept slightly loose so that they may not break in winter due to contraction.

Why can telephone lines sag?

To allow for contraction/expansion due to changes in air temperature. During the winter, materials shrink (contract), so if the wires were tighter, they would either break, or pull the poles together. In summer, the opposite is true – the wires expand, causing them to ‘droop’.

Why do wires hang loosely in summer?

Electric cables hang loosely during summer due to the expansion process and they contract during winter due to the contraction process. Explanation: Electric cables are the solids which exhibit the property of contraction and expansion.

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Why do electric wires sag between poles in summer?

As we know that metals expand in heat and shrink in cold temperatures. So, during summer the rising temperature makes the copper in the wire expand – so it gets sagged.

Why do telephone wires sag?

The lines are often heavily loaded because of increased power consumption, and the conductors, which are generally made of copper or aluminum, expand when heated. That expansion increases the slack between transmission line structures, causing them to sag.

Why do wires sag in summer?

Why do wires sag during summer seasons?