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Why do they say that customers are always right?

Why do they say that customers are always right?

The phrase the customer is always right is an ideal that many stores try to adhere to as their customer service policy. It means that if the customer is unhappy about a product, the business will try to fix the problem and make the customer happy.

Is the customer actually always right?

‘The customer is always right’ is a popular phrase attributed to a variety of turn-of-the-century American retail pioneers. It’s not about doing whatever the customer asks, but listening to customers and going the extra mile to understand their needs.

Who company said the customer is always right?

A very common saying in customer service is, “The customer is always right.” This well-known phrase was coined by Harry Gordon Selfridge in 1909 (though some prefer the variations coined by to César Ritz or Marshall Field – it was a popular mentality in 20th century business magnates).

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How will you define quality customer service?

Quality customer service involves providing efficient, quick, and friendly service to customers as well as building strong relationships with them. It also entails responding to customers’ issues in time and handling any complaints swiftly.

Do you believe The customer is always right interview question?

Interview Answer Yes the customer is always right, but, in some instances, the customer doesn’t always have all the information needed to be “right”, and needs to be educated so that they can make a better decision. So, in this case, they are not right, but, will be.

Why quality is important in customer service?

A quality product creates unshakeable customer loyalty that generates increased leads. When customers find a product they trust, they return, make repeat purchases, and recommend the product or service to others. Creating quality products will continue to be the most important thing to customers.

How can you provide quality customer service to customers?

11 ways to provide great customer service

  1. Be friendly. The most important rule in providing excellent customer service is to be friendly.
  2. Respond promptly.
  3. Know your product or service.
  4. Listen to your customers.
  5. Say thank you.
  6. Get to know your customers.
  7. Ask for feedback.
  8. Use the feedback you receive.
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How do you establish trust when speaking to a potential customer?

Practice these 5 tips.

  1. Respect Your Clients. This is the key to getting your client to trust you.
  2. Get Personal. If a relationship is strictly business, trust won’t come naturally.
  3. Admit Mistakes and Correct Ethically. We are all human and all humans make mistakes.
  4. Surprise Them.
  5. Listen first, respond later.

What is quality customer service?

What is quality service to customers?