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Why do we believe in original sin?

Why do we believe in original sin?

Some Christians believe all of humanity is born with a built-in urge to do bad things. They believe original sin stems from Adam and Eve’s disobedience to God.

What do you believe about sin?

We believe that sin is the willful transgression of the known law of God, and that such sin condemns a soul to eternal punishment unless pardoned by God through repentance, confession, restitution, and believing in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.

Do Christians believe in original sin?

No passage comes right out and says “Christians believe in original sin.” Like the doctrine of the Trinity, the doctrine of original sin is constructed by putting together important passages that are best understood through the lens of original sin. But the fact that we have this theological construct does not mean it’s unbiblical.

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What is original sin and why is it important?

DS: Original sin hinders us from seeing the world as created for connection—to God, to each other, to all created things. It forces us instead to begin with the notion that humans are separate from God. It forces us to be at odds with our bodies and desires and gives no solvable way to integrate them.

Is “original sin” a sacred cow?

For many traditionalist Christians, the doctrine of “original sin” is a sacred cow. The doctrine of “original sin” asserts that human nature was corrupted due to the first sin by Adam and Eve and, therefore, all humans are inherently sinful.

Can an atheist believe in sin?

But the IDEA has not gone away. Some say an atheist cannot believe in sin because some define it as “offending some deity.”. But sometimes, sin is just doing wrong things, making mistakes, doing or being flawed or imperfect. And since no one can deny that all humans are flawed humans, no one can deny that sin exists.