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Why do we mope?

Why do we mope?

Moping is something people do when they’re feeling gloomy and doomy and sad. A moping person is usually frowning, slouched over, quiet, and maybe even lying down. We mope when we’re sad, but part of moping is directed at other people, because moping is at least a little public.

How do you use the word mope?

be apathetic, gloomy, or dazed.

  1. Stephen didn’t expect her to mope about while he was away on business.
  2. I’m not going to mope at home, eating my heart out for some man.
  3. Other Acutes mope around the room and try not to pay any attention to him.

Why are criminals called mopes?

Mopery (/ˈmoʊpəri/) is a vague, informal name for minor offenses. The word is based on the verb to mope, which originally meant “to wander aimlessly”; it only later acquired the sense “to be bored and depressed”.

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What is the Urdu meaning of moping?

To wash or wipe with or as if with a mop. Mop the hallway now. He mopped her forehead with a towel. صاف کرنا

What is the synonym of mope?

In this page you can discover 70 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for mope, like: be low-spirited, grieve, droop, fret, despond, sink, lose-heart, brood, pine, yearn and repine.

What are three synonyms mope?

Synonyms & Antonyms of mope

  • crawl,
  • creep,
  • dally,
  • dawdle,
  • delay,
  • diddle,
  • dillydally,
  • drag,

What is a mope person?

Definition of mope 1 : to give oneself up to brooding : become listless or dejected I was feeling depressed and just moped around all day. 2 : to move slowly or aimlessly : dawdle the little woman does mope along in traffic— Paul Jones. 3 archaic : to act in a dazed or stupid manner.

What is the opposite of mope?

Opposite of to think deeply about something that makes one unhappy, angry, or worried. compliment. despise. dislike. grow.