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Why do we need bit and byte stuffing?

Why do we need bit and byte stuffing?

Byte – Stuffing − A byte is stuffed in the message to differentiate from the delimiter. This is also called character-oriented framing. Bit – Stuffing − A pattern of bits of arbitrary length is stuffed in the message to differentiate from the delimiter.

What protocol is used in stuffing?

In character – oriented protocol, the mechanism adopted is byte stuffing. In byte stuffing, a special byte called the escape character (ESC) is stuffed before every byte in the message with the same pattern as the flag byte. If the ESC sequence is found in the message byte, then another ESC byte is stuffed before it.

Why is character stuffing used?

Character stuffing (where DLE is Data Link Escape, STX is Start of TeXt and ETX is End of TeXt.) The sender’s data link layer inserts an ASCII DLE character just before the DLE character in the data. The receiver’s data link layer removes this DLE before this data is given to the network layer.

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What is the use of bit stuffing Mcq?

Explanation: Bit Stuffing is used to create framing.

What is the purpose of byte stuffing quizlet?

Whenever character as data not delimiting flag. Byte stuffing is the process of adding 1 extra byte whenever there is a flag or escape character in the text.

What is bit stuffing and character stuffing?

Byte – Stuffing − A byte is stuffed in the message to differentiate from the delimiter. This is also called character-oriented framing. Bit – Stuffing − A pattern of bits of arbitrary length is stuffed in the message to differentiate from the delimiter. This is also called bit – oriented framing.

Which can detect two bit errors?

Discussion Forum

Que. Which can detect two bit errors?
b. Cyclic redundancy check
c. Parity & Cyclic redundancy check
d. None of the mentioned
Answer:Cyclic redundancy check