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Why do we prefer reflecting type telescope for astronomical purposes?

Why do we prefer reflecting type telescope for astronomical purposes?

Reflecting type telescope is preferred over astronomical (refracting type) because it has following advantages: In reflecting type, objective is not lens hence image formed is free from chromatic aberration. 2. Spherical aberration can also be minimized by using parabolic mirrors in the place of concave mirrors.

What are the advantages of a reflecting type telescope over the refracting type?

The two advantages of a reflecting telescope over a refracting telescope are as follows: (i) There is no chromatic aberration in case of reflecting telescopes as the objective is a mirror. (ii) Spherical aberration is reduced in case of reflecting telescopes by using mirror objective in the form of a paraboloid.

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Which of the following are reasons why professional astronomers use reflecting and not refracting telescopes?

If the lens is too large, the glass sags under its own weight and images are distorted. These limitations are two reasons that most professional astronomers use reflecting telescopes. the mirrors can be very large. Large mirrors allow reflecting telescopes to gather more light than refracting telescopes do.

Which type of telescope is preferred reflecting or refracting justify by giving 2 reasons?

(a) The reflecting telescopes are preferred over refracting type because of the following reasons: (i) There is no chromatic aberration in case of reflecting telescopes as the objective is a mirror.

Why do astronomers build telescopes on top of mountains?

Most important, putting an observatory on a mountaintop means there’s less air to see through, so the “seeing” is better. On a mountaintop, there’s also less air above you to absorb light from the stars.

What are reflecting telescopes used for?

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Reflecting Telescope. Reflectors are used not only to examine the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum but also to explore both the shorter- and longer-wavelength regions adjacent to it (i.e., the ultraviolet and the infrared).

What is the difference between reflecting and refracting telescope?

Answer: the difference between a reflecting telescope and refracting telescopes is that a reflecting telescope has a single or a combination of curved mirrors in order to reflect the light rays and form an image. And the refracting telescope has a lens as its objective lens to form an image.

How do reflecting telescopes differ from refracting telescopes which type is more commonly used by professional astronomers and why?

which type is more commonly used by professional astronomers and why? a refracting telescope operates much like an eye, using a transparent glass lense to collect and focus light. A reflecting telescope uses a precise curved primary mirror to gather light. astronomers use the reflecting mirror.

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What are the advantages of using a reflecting telescope select all that apply?

Reflecting telescopes produce clearer images. Reflecting telescopes can gather light from objects farther in space.
