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Why do we use cement in India?

Why do we use cement in India?

Cement industry is the second most important primary and basic industry for the economic development of India, second only after iron and steel industry the cement industry is basic industry and makes an important contribution to the development of the other factory industry, to the construction and even to the …

Why are there concrete houses in India?

But there is a certain undeniable charm to exposed concrete structures that has fascinated architects over the years. Then there is the fact that in India, “concrete buildings in India were actually less expensive than normally clad ones as it uses very less material–material being 70 per cent of the cost in India.

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When did India use concrete?

India entered into the Cement Era in 1914, when the Indian Cement Company Ltd. started manufacturing Cement in Porbundar in Gujarat. However, even before that a small cement factory was established in Madras in 1904 by a company named South India Industrial Ltd.

Why are buildings made of concrete?

Concrete is resistant to burns, rust, and rot. It can also stand up to vibrations, water, wind, fire, and even earthquakes. Not only does this reduce costs, but it keeps people safe. Concrete has proven to be the most durable building material when it comes to natural disasters and extreme weather events.

Why are houses made of concrete in Mexico?

Concrete blocks, like the adobe that used to be used in both the US Southwest and México, insulates houses from hot temperatures outside. Unfortunately, they also keep the house cold in the wintertime.

What are Indian houses made of in India?

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The commonly used building materials included baked bricks, sandstone, marble, wood, plaster and granite.

Why cement industry is important in the society?

The industry trains manpower not only for meeting the domestic requirements but also the need for foreign markets. Cement is always considered as a barometer of progress in developing country and is rightly taken as an important economic activity indicator.

What are houses made from in India?

Huts are not common in big cities, but can only be seen in the rural areas of India. Huts are a category of vernacular architecture because they are constructed using readily available materials like wood, leaves, branches, hides, fabric, bricks or mud using building techniques passed down through the generations.