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Why do we use IQ modulation?

Why do we use IQ modulation?

IQ modulators are versatile building blocks for RF systems. The most common application is generating RF signals for digital communication systems. By modulating with both in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) inputs, any arbitrary output amplitude and phase can be selected. …

Why do we use IQ signals?

Quadrature signals, also called IQ signals, IQ data or IQ samples, are often used in RF applications. They form the basis of complex RF signal modulation and demodulation, both in hardware and in software, as well as in complex signal analysis.

What is I and Q in SDR?

I is the current momentary amplitude of the signal (i.e. the Real signal) Q is the momentary amplitude of the signal phase shifted -90°.

What are IQ samples SDR?

IQ sampling is the form of sampling that an SDR performs, as well as many digital receivers (and transmitters). It’s a slightly more complex version of regular digital sampling (pun intended), so we will take it slow and with some practice the concept is sure to click!

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How does IQ demodulation work?

In quadrature demodulation, we are converting the existing modulation into the corresponding I/Q baseband signals. The low-pass filters are needed because the quadrature multiplication applied to the received signal is no different from the multiplication employed in, for example, an ordinary AM demodulator.

How do I convert my IQ to Real?

How to Convert IQ Signal to Real

  1. Upsample to 2*Fs (192 kHz to 384 kHz).
  2. Frequency shift the signal by +Fs/2 (+96 kHz). This way, it is no longer DC centered.
  3. Take the real part.

What is IQ demodulator?

In other words, I/Q demodulation is essentially translation: we are translating from a magnitude-plus-phase system (used by a typical baseband waveform) to a Cartesian system in which the I component is plotted on the x-axis and the Q component is plotted on the y-axis.

What is IQ rate in communication?

IQ rate is the sampling rate of the baseband I/Q data in samples per second (S/s). Carrier frequency is the carrier frequency of the RF signal in Hz. Gain is the Tx gain applied to the RF signal in dB. Active antenna is the antenna port to use for this channel.

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What are IQ signals?

What is IQ modulation and demodulation?