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Why do you observe a change in colour of the solution of copper sulphate?

Why do you observe a change in colour of the solution of copper sulphate?

If an iron nail is dipped in the copper sulphate solution then iron displaces copper from the copper sulphate because iron is more reactive than copper. Therefore the colour of the copper sulphate solution changes.

Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution changes when an iron nail is dipped in it chemical equation is compulsory?

When an “iron nail” dips into the solution of “copper sulphate” than iron, the copper sulphate displaces copper because “iron” is “more reactive” than “copper”. Hence the colour of the solution for copper sulphate changes.

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Why does the colour of copper sulphate solution change when a zinc rod is placed in it?

When zinc is added to copper sulphate (CuSO4) solution due to more reactivity of zinc, copper is replaced by zinc and forms zinc sulphate. During the process, the colour of the solution changes from blue to colourless.

What happens when you put an iron nail in copper sulphate solution?

When an iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution, a brown coating of copper is formed on the surface of iron and the colour of copper sulphate solution changes from blue to light green.

What changes do you observe in the iron nails and colour of copper?

`An iron nail displaces copper from a copper sulphate solution to form a ferrous sulphate solution, due to which the blue colour of the copper sulphate solution fades. Also, copper is deposited on the iron nail, which turns it reddish-brown in colour.

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What is the change in the colour of the solution?

Indicators: The indicators change their color when added to a solution containing an acidic or a basic substance.

Why does the colour of copper sulphate change when an iron nail is dipped in it Brainly?

Explanation: When an iron nail is dipped into copper sulphate solution, iron, being the more reactive material, attracts the copper from the copper sulphate, which deposits on the iron nail, and the copper sulphate solution, now with no copper turns pale green.

Why does blue colour of copper sulphate starts fading when a zinc rod is dipped in it?

Blue color of CuSO4 fades when zinc rod is dipped in it. This happens because zinc is higher up in the reactivity series than copper. So zinc reacts with the solution displacing copper to form ZnSOand the Cu metal gets deposited over the rod.

Why does zinc turn black in copper sulfate?

Zinc atoms from the zinc electrode are oxidized to zinc ions. This happens because zinc is higher than copper on the activity series and so is more easily oxidized. The electrode at which oxidation occurs is called the anode .

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Why does iron nail become brownish in colour and the Blue Colour of copper sulphate solution fade?

When an iron nail is dipped in a solution of CuSO4, it displaces copper from the Solution, which gets deposited or precipitated as a red or red-brown residue. Also the blue colour of the solution gradually fades. So Fe displaces Cu to form Iron Sulphate and Copper.

What changes do you observe in the iron nails?

When an iron nail is dipped in copper sulphate solution, a brown coating of copper is formed in the surface of iron and the colour of copper sulphate solution changes from blue to pale green. The reaction shows that iron is more reactive than copper because it displaces copper from the copper sulphate solution.