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Why do you want to become a writer Quora?

Why do you want to become a writer Quora?

Most people start writing because they love it. And some of them regard writing as a way to make a living because: They are good at writing and they believe that they can write for a living; They want to stay at home for various reasons and they can write at home for a living.

How do I become an effective writer Quora?

Some of the good habits of a good writer could be:

  1. Read: A good writer would read. A lot.
  2. Observe: Observation is everything.
  3. Make Notes: Don’t miss on the ideas and the observations you make, make notes.
  4. Write: Consistency in writing is as important as any other necessity habit of a writer.

Why did you choose to be a writer?

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You experience things more deeply. Writing can draw you deeper into the moment. It can help you understand people and why they do the things they do. If you want to write well, the writing itself will force you to experience your life more fully.

What is the point of being a writer?

An author’s purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition. An author writes with one of four general purposes in mind: 1.

Can anyone get good at writing?

The truth is, anyone can become a writer. With that being said, you want to remember that it does not happen overnight. Even the best writers had to start somewhere before they became successful. It does take a lot of hard work and dedication.

How long does it take to become a better writer?

It takes 3-5 years to acquire experience and then write, edit, and publish a marketable nonfiction book that supports a full-time lifestyle. Depending on the subject of the book, it could take even longer. I say “marketable” because often a first book does not sell very well.

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When was Quora created?

June 2009