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Why does a farmer leave gaps while sowing seeds in the field?

Why does a farmer leave gaps while sowing seeds in the field?

Farmers leave space while sowing seeds to give the plant enough space to grow and expand. This prevents overcrowding of plants and ensures proper growth.

What will happen if farmers don’t leave enough space while sowing the seeds?

Farmers do this because if farmers sow seeds at a distance then when the plants grow they will not make a crowd and if farmerswill not do this then plants with make a crowd and will not get enough space for growing and compete for water , air and sunlight this will interrupt in the growth of the plants and if farmers …

How do farmers sow seeds?

In agriculture, most seed is now sown using a seed drill, which offers greater precision; seed is sown evenly and at the desired rate. The drill also places the seed at a measured distance below the soil, so that less seed is required. Grain drills are most often drawn by tractors, but can also be pulled by horses.

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What are the 3 things that a farmer should keep in mind while sowing seeds?

1) Seeds should be grown at proper depth 2) They should be sown at a proper distance apart from each other . 3) seeds used for sowing should be clean, healthy,and free from any disease or infection.

Why can’t all seeds be dispersal by the wind?

General Science all seeds cannot be dispersed by seeds as for this they need to be light weight and have hairs or wings so that wind can carry them off. all seeds don’t have all these features so they are dispersed by different methods as per their characteristics.

What would happen if seeds are not able to disperse?

Answer: If seed dispersal did not take place then the seeds will germinate right next to the original plant. The seed and the plant will compete for sunlight and water. Thus this will result in dying of the plant.

Are there times in a year where it is possible to plant one or 2 more crops to fit in the pattern?

Such systems involve growing two or more crops on the same field in a year. Sequential cropping (growing one crop after another in the same year) and intercropping are types of multiple cropping and include numerous different systems.

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What are the common problems you observed in the farm?

Farmers need to deal with many problems, including how to:

  • Cope with climate change, soil erosion and biodiversity loss.
  • Satisfy consumers’ changing tastes and expectations.
  • Meet rising demand for more food of higher quality.
  • Invest in farm productivity.
  • Adopt and learn new technologies.

Why do we sow seeds?

One of the greatest principles in life is the concept of sowing seeds. This concept teaches us that if we give something, we can receive something in return. If we plant something in the proper conditions, water, feed and grow it, we can reap something bigger and greater.

What it means to sow a seed?

verb (used with object), sowed, sown or sowed, sow·ing. to scatter (seed) over land, earth, etc., for growth; plant. to plant seed for: to sow a crop. to scatter seed over (land, earth, etc.) for the purpose of growth.

Why are seeds treated before sowing?

Seeds are treated with fungicides before sowing to avoid seed borne diseases.

What points should be kept in mind while selecting seeds for sowing?

What points should be kept in mind while sowing the seeds?

  • Seeds should be sown at proper depth.
  • Seeds have to be sown at correct distance.
  • Soil should be fertile. This conversation is already closed by Expert.
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What happens if seeds are not sown uniformly?

If seeds are not sown uniformly, overcrowding of crops happens. For sufficient sunlight, water and other requirements congestion need to be prevented. There are two different methods of sowing the seeds.

Why do farmers plant seeds at equidistance?

Planting seeds at equidistance have been proved to increase the yield of the farm. Seeds must be sown at the correct depth in the soil. If seeds are simply scattered on the top they are likely to be blown away or eaten by animals or birds.

What is the importance of sowing seeds?

Sowing seeds are necessarily the essential part of crop production. After the preparation of soil, the previously selected seeds are scattered in the field. This process is called sowing. Sowing should be done carefully and evenly. If seeds are not sown uniformly, overcrowding of crops happens.

What happens if you plant seeds on the top of the ground?

If seeds are simply scattered on the top they are likely to be blown away or eaten by animals or birds. If we sow them too deep into the ground, they will not germinate due to lack of air. The seeds that you sow should be of the highest quality. They have to germ and disease free.