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Why does Captain America return the stones?

Why does Captain America return the stones?

Returning The Space Stone to SHIELD After Loki stole the Tesseract in 2012, Steve and Tony Stark went to Camp Lehigh to get the Infinity Stone and more Pym Particles. This is where Captain America has to go again to put the Space Stone back in SHIELD’s possession.

Did Captain America return all the stones?

At the end of Avengers: Endgame, Captain America completed an important mission: he returned each Infinity Stones to their respective points in time, making good on Bruce Banner’s earlier promise not to disrupt the timeline.

How do they get the stones back in endgame?

Using the Quantum Realm, that is usually only accessible to the very tiny (aka Scott Lang and company), the Avengers travel back in time to collect the six Infinity Stones and recreate Thanos’s snap. Instead of dusting the universe, they snap all their “dead” loves ones back to life.

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Can the soul stone be returned?

The stones have to be returned to their respective timelines exactly at the time at they were taken, not necessarily from where they were taken. In effect, the Soul stone needn’t have been given back to Red Skull, Steve could just go to Vormir and plop the stone anywhere.

What happened to the Mind Stone after Avengers endgame?

It remained with Vision until it was forcibly removed by Thanos following the Battle of Wakanda, killing Vision in the process. It was then destroyed along with the other five stones by Thanos after the Infinity War.

Does the Time stone still exist?

After Thanos successfully wiped out half of life, he destroyed the Time Stone, along with the other Infinity Stones to prevent his work being undone. In 2023, the Avengers initiated a Time Heist in order to resurrect the lives Thanos had claimed.

What happens if you give the soul stone back?

Christopher Markus: You put it back, but you don’t get anything in return. It’s not like a pawn shop.

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Why did Hawkeye hold the soul stone?

Sacrifice of Natasha Romanoff Arriving in an alternate 2014, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nebula and War Machine used the Benatar to travel to Morag and Vormir. Despite Barton’s attempts to sacrifice his own life, he was bested by Romanoff, who fell off the cliff, thereby allowing Barton to acquire the stone.