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Why does computer need both RAM and ROM?

Why does computer need both RAM and ROM?

RAM is volatile, requiring power to store data. ROM is often used to store the BIOS program on a computer motherboard. RAM is used in computers to temporarily store files in use on the computer.

What is the most important RAM or ROM?

RAM equals the memory (or memory bar) of the computer, while ROM is the device’s internal storage, equaling the hard disk of the computer. The bigger the RAM, the more software the phone runs smoothly; While the bigger the ROM, the more data it can store.

How important is RAM in a PC?

Computer random access memory (RAM) is one of the most important components in determining your system’s performance. RAM gives applications a place to store and access data on a short-term basis. It stores the information your computer is actively using so that it can be accessed quickly.

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Why is ROM important in computer?

ROM provides the necessary instructions for communication between various hardware components. As mentioned before, it is essential for the storage and operation of the BIOS, but it can also be used for basic data management, to hold software for basic processes of utilities and to read and write to peripheral devices.

What are the similarities between RAM and ROM?

RAM and ROM main similarities are they’re both primary storage devices, And they especially do same thing storage wise, But retain information differently. Have a good one ✌️.

What are the similarities and differences between ROM and RAM?

Difference between RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory)

Random Access Memory (RAM) is expensive when compared to ROM ROM is cheaper when compared to RAM.
The speed of Random Access Memory (RAM) is higher when compared to ROM The speed of Read-only Memory (ROM) is slower when compared to RAM.