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Why does Eomer bow to Aragorn?

Why does Eomer bow to Aragorn?

Eomer probably felt that Aragorn was king of a bigger or more important country than Rohan, so he bowed first. Besides, he probably wanted to stay on Aragorn’s good side so he could introduce him to some hot Elven chicks (well, not really, but I’d be tempted to in his place). Rohan is a vassal of Gondor.

Why did Eomer think Eowyn was dead?

Concept and creation. Originally, Tolkien intended for Éowyn to marry Aragorn. Later, however, he decided against it because Aragorn was “too old and lordly and grim.” He considered making Éowyn the twin sister of Éomund, and having her die “to avenge or save Théoden”.

Was Eomer a good king?

In TA 3002, when Éomer was eleven, Éomund was slain in battle with Orcs. Éomer became the third Marshal of the Mark, and was a strong leader of Men. He was honored highly and trusted by the king, and was close with his cousin Théodred, son of Théoden who loved him like a brother.

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What did Eomer say about Galadriel?

In the end, Éomer admits that Galadriel is worthy of admiration but puts her as second to another lady–Arwen. He takes a similarly defensive position regarding the object of his devotion and is willing to fight any who contradicts him.

Who is Eowyn’s brother?

Éomer Éadig
Her brother was Éomer Éadig. Following the end of the War of the Ring, she and Faramir were married and bore one son, Elboron.

Did Eomer become King of Rohan?

Both Merry and his friend Pippin came to Rohan and stayed with him until the autumn of that year, when King Éomer died. King Éomer had reigned for 65 years, longer than any other King of Rohan save Aldor the Old. His son Elfwine the Fair became King of Rohan.

Is Éomer a Numenorean?

Eomer and Eowyn also have some Numenorean blood. Their mother’s mother was Morwen of Lossarnach (a region of Gondor.) And while Morwen’s exact family history is unknown, we do know that she was a distant member of Imrahil’s family, which means that she, too, was a descendant of Imrazor.