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Why does everyone in the world speak English?

Why does everyone in the world speak English?

The first, and most obvious reason that English became widespread in the first place is because of the British Empire. So English then became an elitist language of sorts, spoken by those who were educated in literature, philosophy and poetry, much like French was back when it was the most widely spoken language.

Why should I learn another language when everyone else speaks English?

It makes it easier to bond with people Following on from that, speaking another language allows you to bond with people. You have a lot better chance of winning someone over if you’re making the effort to speak to them in their language, rather than just barking at them in English.

Why should everyone speak a second language?

People who speak more than one language have improved memory, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, enhanced concentration, ability to multitask, and better listening skills.

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Why is English so good?

Not surprisingly, one of the reasons why English is such an awesome language is that it is the second most widely spoken language in the world (behind Mandarin Chinese), and by far the most learnt language, with an estimated 1.5 billion learners. English is the official language of NATO and the European Union.

Why don’t people like to listen to English speakers?

Here are some reasons why: they tend to speak quickly; they use a lot of idiomatic language, they make use of humour and irony, some of which depend on a play on words, and they often require their listeners to infer from what is being said. 2. Many do not know what it’s like to communicate in a second language.

Does everyone speak English in the world?

Not everyone speaks English. English is the third most widely spoken language. Not the first. Yes, a large portion of countries speak English, whether that means a majority or minority of the population speak it. But take a look at this map. Everywhere colored beige is where people don’t tend to speak English as a second language:

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Why is it important to speak English?

Why is it important to speak English? Speaking English allows you to actually broaden your world, from job opportunities to the ability to relate to people from every country. Knowing the language makes it much more interesting every trip. Anywhere you want to go in the world you can find someone who speaks English.

Do most native English speakers not know what it’s like to communicate?

Many do not know what it’s like to communicate in a second language. It might be a generalisation but many native speakers of English have never learnt another language, and many of those who have, did so at a Secondary school level and never had to actually communicate in their second language.