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Why does GameStop give so little for trade ins?

Why does GameStop give so little for trade ins?

They have to charge less than the system is new to sell it preowned, plus as a resale business they have to make a marginal profit off the item. They won’t give you $200 for a system if they sell it for $150, and they won’t give you $150 if they sell it for $150.

Does GameStop accept all trade ins?

Throughout the year, GameStop has random trade-in promotions where they will offer extra money for used games. Sometimes it applies to all trade-ins, and other times it’s only for in-demand games. They don’t announce them far in advance, so you’ll have to check their website for current promotions.

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Can you trade in more than one console at GameStop?

Edit: For anyone wondering, you may only trade in one type of system but can trade in multiple different systems. For example you can’t trade in two PS4s, but one PS4, one Xbox, and a Switch to go along with it. Also, the $25 is a discount, not an added bonus.

Can you trade in games?

Games can be traded in at any of Game Stop’s retail locations. Sellers can either trade-in their games for cash or Game Stop credit. Typically, you’ll receive higher offers if you choose store credit over the cash option. That’s because it keeps the money in their pockets.

How much does GameStop make on new games?

Gamestop make more money of of used copies than new copies because they work on different margins. New games are all bought from suppliers at about +-$50 a copy at launch. Gamestop then add $10 on as their profit margin and you the customer purchase the game for $60.

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What do you need to trade in at GameStop?

Being a second-hand retailer, Gamestop is put into the same bracket as a pawn shop. As such, a photo I.D. and full address is required for all trade-ins.

Where can I trade in my games?

Top Places to Sell Video Games

  • Decluttr. Using Decluttr is one of the easiest ways to sell video games.
  • SellCell. A few of the popular cell phone buy and sell sites also offer great deals on other electronics and video games.
  • Swappa.
  • Amazon.
  • Game Stop.
  • 6. Facebook Marketplace.
  • Craigslist.
  • eBay.