Popular lifehacks

Why does my bowling ball have 4 holes?

Why does my bowling ball have 4 holes?

A balance hole is an extra hole in the bowling ball that is not used for gripping purposes. Balance holes are primarily used to make the ball static weight legal to the current USBC Equipment Specifications and Certifications Manual if they are outside the legal limit after drilling.

Do bowling balls come with holes?

When you buy your first bowling ball, it will come without holes in it (it is possible to buy balls with holes already drilled, but that’s almost the same as choosing one off the rack for free at the bowling alley).

Is 2 Finger bowling legal?

No. If a bowler doesn’t use their thumb during a delivery, they can either have a thumb hole or a balance hole but not both. If the ball has a thumb hole but the bowler doesn’t use it, then as long as it meets static balance requirements, the ball is allowed.

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What makes a bowling ball Illegal?

1 and that means effective today if you have a balance hole (or weight hole) in your bowling ball, it is officially illegal in USBC competition. It means if you have a bowling ball with a balance hole (typically drilled on the side and not used for gripping the ball), you cannot use it until that hole is plugged.

How do you pick the right size bowling ball?

Follow the 10\% rule. A bowling ball should weigh 10 percent of your body weight (up to 16 pounds), which means you really shouldn’t be grabbing, say, an 8-pound ball if you weigh 150 pounds. You want some weight to the ball, but it shouldn’t be so heavy that it’s uncomfortable.

Is it illegal to bowl with two fingers?

Does this mean every bowling ball thrown by a no-thumb or two-handed bowler who uses no thumb is now going to be illegal and have to be re-drilled? No. If the ball has both a thumb hole and a balance hole, the bowler needs to plug at least one of them.

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What is the dot on my bowling ball?

A Quick Explanation of a Bowling Ball’s Pin Not to be confused with the pins at the end of the lane, every bowling ball is marked with a colored dot, which represents the ball’s pin. The pin is vital in determining how to drill your ball to get your desired reaction on the lanes.

Who owns MOTIV Bowling?

Wilbur Products Inc.
MOTIV bowling balls manufactured by Wilbur Products Inc. in Muskegon Heights. The company is a longtime producer of bowling products for pro shops and is making the bowling balls through its Tech-Line Products, a Spring Lake Township manufacturer.