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Why does my lower back and groin hurt?

Why does my lower back and groin hurt?

Back problems. Spine problems in the back near the lower ribs can pinch the nerves that travel through the groin area and cause groin and thigh pain. Spine problems include a herniated disc or lumbar narrowing (stenosis).

What muscle goes from lower back to groin?

The psoas muscle attaches to the vertebrae on your lumbar spine, and then crosses the outer edge of each pubis (near your pelvis). It next joins with the iliacus muscle at your inguinal ligament (in your groin region), and finally attaches at your femur.

Can the sciatic nerve cause groin pain?

Pressure on the nerve can lead to pain in the low back, buttock, groin, or posterior thigh, and it can be a cause of sciatica, with pain, tingling, or numbness along the course of the sciatic nerve. Other nerves and structures in the area may also be impinged (compressed), leading to similar symptoms.

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Can lower back pain radiate to the groin?

An example of radiating pain could be a muscle strain in the back radiating into the groin area. Because the network of muscles are so interconnected, experiencing lower back inflammation would likely cause pain in this neighboring area of the body.

How do you treat groin and lower back pain?

For injuries caused by muscle strains, joint sprains, overuse, and smaller traumas, the pain will often begin to resolve with rest, icing, and over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Braces or compression wraps can also help support your body and alleviate pain while you’re healing.

Can a herniated disc cause hip and groin pain?

When the spine is the likely culprit Most lower spine problems are caused by a herniated disk that presses on nerves in the spinal column. This produces the pain known as sciatica, which can be felt in the hip. You may have a herniated disk if pain: Is limited to your back, buttocks or hip.

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How can you tell the difference between sciatica and hip pain?

The pain of hip pathology usually is centered at the groin, and it is rare for it to radiate below the knee joint. Sciatica symptoms may, on the other hand, may radiate down the legs into the toes.

Can a pinched nerve cause pain in groin?

A pinched nerve in the hip often causes pain in the groin. Sometimes the pain also radiates down the inner thigh. It can travel to the knee as well.

Does a heating pad help a herniated disc?

For mild herniated disc pain, relieve the inflammation to decrease pain. For instance, applying a heating pad or ice pack to the affected area may be a good way to temporarily relieve your pain and reduce inflammation. Take 10-15 minutes twice a day to lie on your stomach with one to two pillows under your hips.

Is my groin pain coming from my back?

Back pain usually doesn’t radiate to the groin; it is usually in the low back, possibly radiating down the buttock and legs. It can be difficult to determine if pain is caused by your back or hip. Generally speaking, if your pain is limited to the back, it is most likely due to a back issue.

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Even when the back pain originates a little higher up, near the lower ribs, the discomfort can make its way to the groin area. Though a nerve that comes out of the spinal cord need not be “pinched” to cause the kind of back pain that radiates to the groin, often this is the case.

What causes low back and pelvic pain?

The most common cause of lower back and pelvic pain is lifting an object that is too heavy, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians. Traumatic injuries and certain medical conditions can also cause discomfort in these areas. Ankylosing spondylitis can cause back and pelvis pain.

What is the treatment for groin pain?

Applying an elastic compression wrap can help reduce pain and keep the swelling down. 1  You can find elastic bandages or special pre-cut groin tape easily at most local drug stores. After applying the ice to the injury, wrap the thigh firmly and continue to ice through the bandage or tape.