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Why does Princess Bubblegum not like Marceline?

Why does Princess Bubblegum not like Marceline?

However, Princess Bubblegum “matured” (meaning that Bubblegum was being too much of a princess which made her distant with Marceline) too fast for Marceline’s liking, splitting apart their friendship.

Why did Pb and Marceline break up?

The breakup happened for a reason. The problems that caused Marceline and Princess Bubblegum’s breakup were a mix of the two. Bubblegum struggled to communicate her worries to Marceline as the pressures of her princess role increased.

Why did Princess Bubblegum lose her kingdom?

As of the episode, Princess Bubblegum is no longer the ruler of the Candy Kingdom, as she loses by a landslide during the Candy Kingdom’s first election and is replaced by the King of Ooo as the new monarch of the Candy Kingdom.

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Is bubblegum jealous of flame princess?

“Burning Low” is the sixteenth episode of the fourth season of the American animated television series Adventure Time. In this episode, Finn and Jake become convinced that Princess Bubblegum is jealous of Finn’s relationship with Flame Princess (voiced by Jessica DiCicco).

Was Princess Bubblegum jealous of Flame Princess?

Jake comes to the conclusion that Princess Bubblegum is jealous of Flame Princess and shares this with Finn. She confronts Finn the next day and attempts to console him, believing that he knew about the situation.

Why does Princess Bubblegum hate magic?

Her problem is pretending that magic is anything that simply can’t be understood and explained. That’s the sense in which she hates magic. She’s rather earthy in that way. Ultimately, she refused to say ‘Wizards rule’ and show support for an attitude that she wholly disapproves of.

What does Princess Bubblegum call Marceline?

Bubblegum calls Marceline “Marcy” again in this episode, when Marceline gets knocked out and Bubblegum drags her away.

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Is Princess Bubblegum dead?

In “Mortal Recoil”, Princess Bubblegum possessed by the spirit of the Lich, and Finn and Jake team up with the Ice King to stop him. In the end, Bubblegum is seriously wounded, and since there is not enough candy bio-mass to fully revive her, she reverts to a 13-year-old.

Why can’t Finn date flame princess?

Finn tells Jake that his date went great, and asks what Princess Bubblegum was talking to him about. Jake says that she does not want him to see Flame Princess anymore because she is “crazy jealous” of Flame Princess, which makes Finn frown.