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Why does Ron get jealous of Harry in Goblet of Fire?

Why does Ron get jealous of Harry in Goblet of Fire?

Before Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we thought Ron’s jealousy toward Harry was purely because of the latter’s achievements. Weasley ever show she did do just that, but Ron’s insecurity over this was such that he pinned it on his mother’s original desire to have a daughter when Ron was born.

Did Hermione think Harry put his name in the goblet?

Hermione says she believed Harry because of the look on his face when his name was called out. So while everyone was in a state of disbelief, she’s actually the one who noticed Harry’s reaction and decided it wasn’t him at all.

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Why did the Goblet spit out Harry’s name?

The reason the Goblet of Fire chose Harry’s name wasn’t because he was deemed “worthy” of the honor like the other three champions. Barty Crouch, Jr. bewitched the Goblet to make it think there were four schools competing instead of three. Then he entered Harry’s name under the fake school.

Who was the first one to disbelieve Harry Potter in the Goblet?

In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry counted on Ron to believe him when his name came up wrongly out of the Goblet. Unfortunately for poor Harry, his best friend was the first one to disbelieve him and thought Harry had fooled everyone by placing his name in.

What was the point of Ron Weasley leaving his friends?

The point of Ron’s abandoning his friends in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was to highlight that while he had his doubts, he would always return to them. That was what ultimately happened but when you compare him to Hermione, who never left Harry at any point, then Ron doesn’t measure up so well.

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Why didn’t Ron Weasley apologize to Harry Potter?

Ron remained unapologetic till the end and still didn’t apologize when it was found out that Scabbers was Peter Pettigrew. The point of Ron’s abandoning his friends in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was to highlight that while he had his doubts, he would always return to them.

Why did Harry and Ron stop talking to Hermione?

Ron believed his rat was eaten by Hermione’s cat and blamed her for it; this went so far that he convinced Harry to ditch Hermione as well. Hermione spent the majority of the year on her own because her only two friends didn’t talk to her because of a rat.