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Why does the speed of the Earth decrease towards the poles?

Why does the speed of the Earth decrease towards the poles?

The rotational speed of the earth is measured by angular speed. Due to low distance between the axis of rotation, the angular velocity is low at poles. this is the reason that the speed of rotation gets decreased near poles.

Does the earth move faster at the poles?

Specifically, Earth rotates faster at the Equator than it does at the poles. Near the poles, Earth rotates at a sluggish 0.00008 kilometers (0.00005 miles) per hour.

Why does the speed of Earth’s rotation diminish away from the equator?

As you move north or south of the equator towards the Poles: East-West parallel of constant latitude narrows. The distance covered in 24-hours is less, so the speed is less.

Why does Earth’s rotational velocity decrease as one travels from the equator to the North pole or south pole?

Explain why does earth’s rotational velocity decrease as one travels from the equator to the North pole or South pole? The same about Earth: the equator is far away from the axis, so it has greater speed. The poles are close to the axis, so the speed is smaller there.

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What causes day and night on a planet?

The Earth orbits the sun once every 365 days and rotates about its axis once every 24 hours. Day and night are due to the Earth rotating on its axis, not its orbiting around the sun. The term ‘one day’ is determined by the time the Earth takes to rotate once on its axis and includes both day time and night time.

What is the scientific study of Earth shape called?

Geodesy. The scientific objective of geodesy is to determine the size and shape of the Earth. The Earth’s figure is that of a surface called the geoid, which over the Earth is the average sea level at each location; under the continents the geoid is an imaginary continuation of sea level.

Why is the Earth rotating faster?

In fact, according to New Scientist, there is some proven correlation between global warming and a faster rotation. This is due to melting ice caps and rising oceans, which creates a change in the planet’s distribution of mass.

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What are the effects of the speed of the Earth’s rotation?

The speed of the Earth’s rotation has affected the shape of the Earth. Because of the speed of rotation, a centrifugal force is created which leads to the flattening of the Earth at poles and bulging at the center. The Earth’s rotation affects the movement of water in the oceans.

Why does the equator move faster?

Because of the rotating earth, a point at the equator moves faster than a point at higher latitude. Both points make one full rotation at the time of one day, but the point at the equator has to travel a longer distance. For this reason, the point at the equator is moving faster.