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Why does the volume of water decrease when it is heated?

Why does the volume of water decrease when it is heated?

A decrease in temperature caused the water molecules to lose energy and slow down, which results in water molecules that are closer together and a decrease in water volume. When water is heated, it expands, or increases in volume. As water cools, it contracts and decreases in volume.

Why does water occupy more space at 1 degree Celsius than when it is at 4 degrees Celsius?

Water is one of the few exceptions to this behavior. When liquid water is cooled, it contracts like one would expect until a temperature of approximately 4 degrees Celsius is reached. After that, it expands slightly until it reaches the freezing point, and then when it freezes it expands by approximately 9\%.

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How will the volume of water change on cooling from room temperature to 4 C?

In short, the volume of water will actually get smaller as the system gets heated from ~0 degrees Celsius to ~4 degrees Celsius. This is a result from the intermolecular forces that is specific to water at these temperatures.

When the temperature of water decreases from 4 degree Celsius to 2 degree Celsius will the level of water rise or fall in the cylinder?

Water is at its maximum density at 4.0°C . This means that if you increase the temperature – OR decrease the temperature of the water – the density will drop. Because the mass remains constant , the volume of the water must increase if the density reduces.

When the temperature of water starts decreasing below 4 degrees Celsius what is its volume?

However, water shows anomalous behaviour. Water has maximum volume at 4-degree Celsius and maximum density at 4-degree Celsius. But when water is cooled down further its volume starts increasing and hence, the density of water decreases when cooled further below than 4-degree celsius.

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What is the volume of water at 4 degree Celsius?

Temperature Specific volume (0-100°C at 1 atm, >100 °C at saturation pressure)
0.1 1.00015 0.11981
1 1.00010 0.11981
4 1.00003 0.11982
10 1.00030 0.11979

Why does the reading of the temperature of thermometer T2 decrease up to time T1 when the reading of the thermometer T1 remains unchanged?

as the freezing mixture cools the water in the central position of the cylinder, the water contracts.so the density of water increases and sinks to bottom thus decreasing the temperature of lower thermometer T2 to fall rapidly. The thermometer T1 does not show change.

What is the density and volume of water at 4 degree Celsius?

Density of Water at Various Temperature Scales

Temperature Density in kg/m3
4 °C 998.97
0 °C 999.83
-10 °C 998.12
-20 °C 993.547

When water is cooled from 4 degree Celsius to 0 degree Celsius does it volume decrease?

Water has a unique property of anomalous expansion. When water is heated from 0C to 4C it contracts continuously instead of expanding. That means its volume decreases upto 4C.