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Why garbage should not be thrown in open?

Why garbage should not be thrown in open?

These wastes should not be thrown in an open area due to the following reasons. It spread diseases as flies and mosquitoes tend to sit on the garbage which contaminate our food. Garbage contains litter, blades, broken glass pieces, needles etc which can lead to physical injury.

Why we should not throw garbage in the river?

When people dispose of their garbage directly in the water, rivers and lakes can be polluted. Additionally, water pollution includes the contamination of groundwater when garbage is washed into our groundwater due to natural rainfalls. This garbage is likely to end up in our oceans eventually.

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Why is garbage not good for the environment?

Poor waste management contributes to climate change and air pollution, and directly affects many ecosystems and species. Landfills, considered the last resort in the waste hierarchy, release methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas linked to climate change.

What are the harmful effects of throwing garbage?

A polluted environment can encourage the spread of diseases. Toxic chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms in the trash may also contaminate water systems and spread water-borne diseases which can negatively affect the health of both animals and humans if unclean or untreated water is consumed.

What kind of pollution is caused when some one throws garbage on the ground?

Garbage often contains dangerous pollutants such as oils, chemicals, and ink. These pollutants can leech into the soil and harm plants, animals, and people. Inefficient garbage collection systems contribute to land pollution. Often, the garbage is picked up and brought to a dump, or landfill.

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What are the effects of garbage lying here and there?

Overflowing waste causes air pollution and respiratory diseases. One of the outcomes of overflowing garbage is air pollution, which causes various respiratory diseases and other adverse health effects as contaminants are absorbed from lungs into other parts of the body.

How does garbage cause water pollution?

Water pollution is degraded water, toxic to humans or the environment. It occurs when harmful chemicals or microorganisms or sometimes simply garbage or too much sediment contaminates a stream, river, lake, wetland, groundwater aquifer, ocean, in short, any body of water.

Why we should throw your garbage properly?

Proper waste disposal is beneficial to the environment. Without it, the land and its underlying resources are prone to contamination. Removal of wastes from public areas also contributes to the lessening of risks to overall health, reduces infestation of pests, and decreases exposure to biological hazards.

What are the 5 causes of environmental pollution?

5 Kinds of Environmental Pollution Caused by Waste

  • The burning of fossil fuels like oil, gas or coal.
  • The exhaust fumes from your vehicles.
  • The mismanagement of landfill waste caused by garbage pollution.
  • The harmful fragrance or off-gasing from plastic production, paints and so on.
  • Nuclear accidents or radiation spills.
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What type of pollution is garbage?

Landfill. Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. Landfills collect garbage and other land pollution in a central location. Many places are running out of space for landfills.

What are the disadvantages of garbage lying all over in the streets?

What are the 5 effects of water pollution?


  • Destruction of biodiversity. Water pollution depletes aquatic ecosystems and triggers unbridled proliferation of phytoplankton in lakes — eutrophication —.
  • Contamination of the food chain.
  • Lack of potable water.
  • Disease.
  • Infant mortality.