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Why is agricultural productivity still low in India?

Why is agricultural productivity still low in India?

Indian agriculture is mainly dependent on rain. Even after 60 years of Independence only 40\% of the agricultural land has permanent irrigation facility. Indian soil has many problems like soil erosion, water logging, nitrogen deficiency and swamps. These are the reasons for low productivity of agriculture.

How is agriculture system different in the US from that of India?

Indian agriculture is labour intensive, mostly subsistence farming, nearly 60\% of its population is dependent on farming and most farms are rainfed. On the other hand, American farming is capital intensive, mostly commercial farming less than 3\% of its population is dependent on farming and most farms are irrigated.

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What are the major differences between the farm agriculture of developed USA and developing India countries?

1) The USA is a developed nation that is not agriculture-based and only 2\% of its entire population is employed in agriculture. 2) In India the average farm holdings are small in size, i.e. 2 to 3 hectares. 2) In the United States, the farm holdings are of huge sizes, i.e. 250 hectares.

Why Indian agriculture is lagging behind?

However, India lags behind many other countries as far as agricultural productivity is concerned. The reasons are several. Most farmers in India don’t have access to technology-driven irrigation tools and practices. Farmers also lack information on finance and marketing tactics to get the best prices for their output.

Why has agriculture developed more in the USA as compared to India?

Agriculture is developed more in the USA Because They have Large farm field as compare to India . They Use Very Hi-tech machine and modern methods in agriculture. Their Due to grassland and availability of water make easy for agriculturle.In India nothing is good nor supply of water.

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What is the difference between Indian agriculture and foreign agriculture?

Indian farming is very much labor intensive, and most farmers use traditional methods of farming like plowing with bullocks. Foregin farming is mostly capital intensive with large-scale use of heavy and advanced machinery. The number of farm laborers is very small.

Is agriculture decreasing in India?

Over the years, rural households’ dependency on agriculture has declined to 50 per cent as per the latest round of the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) for 2018-19. In addition, the agriculture sector’s contribution to national GDP has declined from 34 per cent in 1983-84 to 16 per cent in 2018-19.

What are the causes of low productivity in India what measures are taken by the government to raise productivity in India?

7 Reasons for Low Productivity in India Agriculture

  • Population Pressure:
  • Uneconomic Holdings:
  • Uncertain Monsoons and Inadequate Irrigation Facilities:
  • Subsistence Nature of Farming:
  • Decline in Soil Fertility:
  • Lack of Support Services:
  • Poor Organisation of Resourdces and Lack of Entrepreneurship: