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Why is bee pollen bad for you?

Why is bee pollen bad for you?

Bee pollen (like ragweed or other plants, depending on where the bee pollen comes from) can cause a serious allergic reaction — including itching, redness, shortness of breath, hives, swelling, and anaphylaxis. Bee pollen is not safe for children or pregnant women.

Does bee pollen actually work?

The fact is, despite the many online claims that bee pollen can eliminate allergies altogether, there is still no firm scientific evidence to support that. Those who write about the allergy-curing properties of bee pollen often maintain that you must use pollen from local bees.

Is bee pollen good for anti aging?

Bee pollen is believed to be anti-aging, anti-stress and to provide energy. Traditionally bee pollen is used as part of anti-aging, anti-stress and energy formulas. According to research papers, Olympic athletes have been known to turn to bee pollen to help improve their performance.

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What do you use bee pollen for?

One of the most common uses for bee pollen is the management of seasonal allergies, such as hay fever. It’s thought that ingesting pollens will help the body to build resistance to these potential allergens and, in turn, reduce allergy symptoms.

Is bee pollen good for your face?

Bee Pollen. Bee pollen, another bee product, can also affect the skin. Bee pollen is a potent antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating agent, and it also facilitates the granulation process of burn healing [71].

What vitamins are in bee pollen?

Pollen is quite a significant source of vitamin both fat-soluble 0,1\%, such as provitamin A and vitamins E and D, and water-soluble 0,6\%, such as B1, B2, B6, and C, and acids: pantothenic, nicotinic and folic, biotin, rutin, and inositol.

How often should I take bee pollen?

How much bee pollen should you eat daily? There isn’t a recommended dosage, but it’s a good idea to start with a small amount to make sure you aren’t allergic to it. You might start with 1/4 teaspoon and increase gradually to 2 tablespoons a day.