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Why is Carnot cycle the most efficient?

Why is Carnot cycle the most efficient?

When the cycle is completed input energy and power is used only for the purpose it was intended. Output was completely used for intended purpose. Since no other process can be more efficient, Carnot cycle is the most efficient.

Why is Carnot cycle more efficient than Otto?

The efficiency of Carnot and Stirling cycles depends only on the ratio of the temperature extremes whereas the efficiency of Otto and Brayton cycles depends only on the compression ratio. This is an important factor in understanding how a Diesel cycle can be made to be more efficient than an Otto cycle.

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What is the maximum efficiency of Carnot cycle?

No real heat engine can do as well as the Carnot efficiency—an actual efficiency of about 0.7 of this maximum is usually the best that can be accomplished. But the ideal Carnot engine, like the drinking bird above, while a fascinating novelty, has zero power.

Why is Carnot cycle more efficient than Rankine?

Carnot cycle is an ideal cycle for heat engine which gives highest efficiency between given temperature difference but it is a theoretical cycle and actually no engine works on it. Rankine cycle is an ideal cycle of vapor or steam power generation. It gives highest efficiency between given temperature difference.

What is Carnot cycle and its efficiency?

P6.5, and the temperatures of the two reservoirs associated with the cycle are shown as TH and TC. The thermal efficiency of a Carnot cycle operating between these two reservoirs is η = 1−TC/TH. This value is significantly higher than that of the Otto cycle operating between the same reservoirs.

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How is Carnot efficiency derived?

efficiency =WQH=1−TCTH. These temperatures are of course in degrees Kelvin, so for example the efficiency of a Carnot engine having a hot reservoir of boiling water and a cold reservoir ice cold water will be 1−(273/373)=0.27, just over a quarter of the heat energy is transformed into useful work.

What is the difference between Carnot and Otto?

Carnot cycle is an ideal cycle proposed by said carnot, ideal cycle. An Otto cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle that describes the functioning of a typical spark ignition piston engine. It is the thermodynamic cycle most commonly found in automobile engines.

How can the efficiency of Carnot cycle be improved?

The efficiency of the carnot engine can be increased by either increasing the sink temperature or by decreasing the reservoir temperature.

How is Carnot cycle efficiency calculated?

How do you find the efficiency of a Carnot cycle?