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Why is cathode ray deflected in electric and magnetic field?

Why is cathode ray deflected in electric and magnetic field?

That rule describes how a charged particle (our electron) moving in a magnetic field will be deflected by that field at a right angle to both the field and to the direction of the particle. The electrons in the cathode rays would deflect toward the positively charged plates, and away from the negatively charged plates.

What happens when an electric field is applied to a cathode ray?

When an external electric field is applied, the cathode ray is deflected toward the positive pole. When a magnetic field is applied, the cathode ray is deflected from its normal straight path into a curved path.

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Why are cathode rays deflected from a negatively charged plate?

5. Cathode rays are deflected away from a negatively charged plate because they are negatively charged particles.

How would the electrons produced in a cathode ray tube?

How would the electrons produced in a cathode-ray tube filled with neon gas compare with the electrons produced in a cathode-ray tube filled with chlorine gas? The electrons produced from neon gas and chlorine gas would behave in the same way because electrons do not differ form element to element.

Why do electrons move from the negative end of the tube to the positive end quizlet?

The rays moved from the negative end of the tube to the positive end. He realized thay the rays were made of negatively charged particles called electrons. When electrons release (lose) energy they go down a level. When electrons absorb (gain) energy they go to a higher level.

What do you expect to happen to the cathode ray after the magnet is flipped around?

When you bring the magnet close to the cathode ray tube, the magnetic fields will interact with each other and the electron beam will bend. The direction it bends is dependent on the orientation of the magnet poles on either side of the cathode ray tube.