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Why is de Broglie equation not significant for macroscopic objects?

Why is de Broglie equation not significant for macroscopic objects?

de-Broglie’s relationship is not significant to the macroscopic objects. This is because macroscopic objects have large masses and if we apply de-Broglie’s relationship to large moving objects then the wavelength associated with the object is very short. Because wavelength is inversely proportional to mass.

Is de Broglie hypothesis valid for macroscopic particles?

Macroscopic Objects and Wavelength Though de Broglie’s hypothesis predicts wavelengths for ​matter of any size, there are realistic limits on when it’s useful. A baseball thrown at a pitcher has a de Broglie wavelength that is smaller than the diameter of a proton by about 20 orders of magnitude.

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Why is de Broglie wavelength only applicable on microscopic particles?

According to de Broglie lamda = h/mv that is lamda is inversely proportional to mass. Therefore it is applicable only for the microscopic particles which exihibit both particle and wave nature. For a microscopic particle like electron ,they behave as matter waves and in atomic orbitals they remain as standing waves.

Why is de Broglie’s relationship meaningful for submicroscopic particles such as electrons protons and atoms not for macroscopic?

Answer: Why is the de Broglie wave equation meaningful only for submicroscopic particles, such as atoms and electrons but not for larger everyday objects? It’s only meaningful for submicroscopic particles because we can’t see everyday object act like a wave because the wavelength is too small compared to the object.

Why de Broglie equation has no significance in our daily life?

The wave nature of matter, however, has no significance for objects of ordinary size because wavelength of the wave associated with them is too small to be detected. This wavelength is too small to be measured, and hence de-Broglie relation has no significance for such a large object.

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Is de Broglie equation applicable to all material particles?

De Broglie equation has significance for any microscopic or submicroscopic particles.

Why matter wave is not observed in macroscopic scale?

The simple answer is that wave/particle duality, as it is called, is present in the macroscopic world–but we can’t see it. Scientists have developed a number of indirect methods for observing wave/particle duality. One of the earliest experiments showed that a regular array of atoms could diffract an electron beam.

Why de Broglie wave principle is not reliable in daily life explain?

De-Broglie wavelength associated with a body of mass m, moving with velocity v is given by λ=hmv Since, the mass of of the object hence the de-Broglie wavelength associated with it is quite small hence it is not visible. Hence the wave nature of matter is not more apparent to our daily observations.

Is de Broglie relation applicable to only electron give reason?

No, it applies to all moving microscopic particles.

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Which relation is applicable to both microscopic and macroscopic particles?

uncertainty relation
24 (c holds for both microscopic and macroscopic particles the uncertainty relation.

Is De Broglie’s relation applicable to an electron?