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Why is heavy water used in nuclear?

Why is heavy water used in nuclear?

How is it Used in Nuclear Power Plants? Nuclear power plants harness the energy of countless atoms of uranium splitting apart, or fissioning, in a chain reaction. Heavy water can help keep such a chain reaction going. As each uranium atom breaks apart, it shoots out neutrons that can go on to split other atoms.

What is the function of water in a nuclear reactor?

Inside the reactor vessel, the fuel rods are immersed in water which acts as both a coolant and moderator. The moderator helps slow down the neutrons produced by fission to sustain the chain reaction.

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What is heavy water and what is it used for in a nuclear reactor?

Heavy Water is used as a primary coolant to transport heat generated by the fission reaction to secondary coolant, light water. Few Deuterium in Heavy Water gets converted to Tritium by absorbing a neutron in nuclear reactor. Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen having two neutrons in the nucleus.

What is the importance of heavy water?

Some Important Reactions of Heavy Water Heavy water is used in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It is used as a moderator in certain types of nuclear reactors. Used in the medical field to test the metabolic rate of human beings.

What is the function of heavy water in nuclear reactor Mcq?

Heavy water is used in nuclear reactors because it acts as a moderator in slowing down the neutrons that are produced during the fission reaction. This further helps in sustaining the chain reaction allowing the nuclear reactor to operate efficiently and with stability.

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Why is heavy water used as a moderator in thermal nuclear reactions?

‘Heavy water is often used as a moderator in thermal nuclear reactors’? Give reason. Heavy water is used as a moderator because its mass is nearest to that of a neutron and it has negligible chances for neutron absorption. = 1.23, which is the required ratio of the nucleii.

Can you drink heavy water?

While heavy water isn’t radioactive, it’s not entirely safe to drink. Basically, the mass difference slows biochemical reactions that use water. Also, deuterium forms stronger hydrogen bonds than protium, resulting in a different reactivity. You can drink a glass of heavy water and won’t suffer any ill effects.

What is the role of graphite and heavy water used in nuclear reactor?

Use as a Moderator Heavy water is one of the two moderators that can be used which allow a nuclear reactor to operate using natural uranium. The other moderator is graphite. CANDU reactors utilize heavy water as their moderator and thus do not require enriched uranium, rather uranium in its natural state can be used.