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Why is it called the Golden Quadrilateral?

Why is it called the Golden Quadrilateral?

It is basically a network of highways that connect the four major metropolitan cities of the country in four directions – Delhi (North), Chennai (South), Kolkata (East) and Mumbai (West) – thereby forming a quadrilateral, and hence the name Golden Quadrilateral.

What is Golden Quadrilateral highway Class 10?

The Golden Quadrilateral Super Highway is a national network connecting the 4 major industrial and cultural cities of India, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. As connecting 4 dots forms a quadrilateral, likewise it is named.

Who made Golden Quadrilateral?

Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s
The Golden Quadrilateral or “GQ” was former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s first dream project and is enshrined as the biggest infrastructure intervention in the roadways sector in post-Independent India, making 5,846 km of highways with the start of the first phase of the National Highways Development Project ( …

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How is Golden Quadrilateral beneficial?

The benefits of the GQ are manifold: better movement of products and people, more choice of locations for initiating industrial activity, reduced wastage for the agriculture sector, and a decrease in vehicle operating costs and time. “Better quality roads can carry more loads.

What is India’s Golden Quadrilateral answer?

The Golden Quadrilateral (GQ) is a national highway network connecting most of the major industrial, agricultural and cultural centres of India. It forms a quadrilateral connecting the four major metro cities of India, viz., Delhi (north), Kolkata (east), Mumbai (west) and Chennai (south).

How does Golden Quadrilateral differ from national highways?

The Golden Quadrilateral are roads like National Highways connecting Delhi – Mumbai-Chennai-Kolkata-Delhi by a six lane highway while National Highways are roads connecting capitals, big cities and important ports. Golden quadrilateral is maintained by NHDP whereas the National Highways are maintained by CPWD.

What is the Golden Quadrilateral Class 7?

The Golden Quadrilateral is a national highway network connecting most of the major industrial, agricultural and cultural centres of India. It forms a quadrilateral connecting the four major metro cities of India, viz., Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.

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How many golden quadrilaterals are there in India?

It forms a quadrilateral connecting the four major metro cities of India, viz., Delhi (north), Kolkata (east), Mumbai (west) and Chennai (south)….

Golden Quadrilateral
Maintained by NHAI
Length 5,846 km (3,633 mi)
Kolkata – Delhi
Length 1,453 km (903 mi)

What are the features of Golden Quadrilateral?


  • It will express four lane or six lane express Highway.
  • it will connect four metro cities of delhi-mumbai-kolkata-chennai.
  • it will become the largest roadway network of India measuring 5,846 Kms.

How is Golden Quadrilateral beneficial for India?

The Golden Quadrilateral, the highway network that links many India’s four key cities – Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai thus connecting the major industrial, agricultural and cultural centres of India- is helping in the economic growth and national integrity of the country.