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Why is it important to know different genres of music?

Why is it important to know different genres of music?

Listening to different kinds of music and styles can help an aspiring musician expand their horizons and find out new things about their art. Every musical style can show you different lessons about what it means to play. Check out these different genres, expand your knowledge, and become a musical genius!

How do different genres of music make you feel?

Research has shown that the music we listen to can directly impact our mood, not that we needed research to tell us that. We already know that sad songs tend to make us feel sad, while uplifting songs tend to make us feel happy. Aggressive music can even make us feel angry.

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Is there an app that tells you what genre a song is?

When you look for an app that identifies songs, SoundHound is probably the first competitor to Shazam you’ll find. Its main feature set is similar, but it offers a few differences that make it worth a look. Similar to Shazam, SoundHound features a big orange button on its homepage to start tagging.

How do you identify a genre?

There is not a unique way of identifying a genre, each has its own peculiarities, so they only thing you can do is to learn to identify some big genres (like jazz, rock and electronica) and from there try to identify the subtleties that makes it one genre or another.

How do you classify a song by genre?

Listen to the song carefully, then make out points that would help you classify it. Any song which goes by a catchy tune, and later adds drum/bass to it is EDM(electronic dance music). This has sub-genres in it; like trance, progressive and house. Trance feels soothing and ample music.

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Why do people want to know what type of music you listen?

“You are what you listen to”. Music tells people a lot about who you are and what you care about, this is the first reason why some people want to know what type of music they listen to, the second one is that they want to hear more music similar to it, but They often don’t know what the genre is called to be able to search for it.

How many subgenres are there in music?

Something that would be very difficult because there’s not universal agreement on what constitutes most subgenres to start with and there are so many. For example, electronic music has 200+ sub genres on its own, 250+ rock and metal subgenres.