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Why is Luffy the 5th emperor?

Why is Luffy the 5th emperor?

News of the events between Luffy and Big Mom were published in the World Economy News Paper, which claimed the incident as Luffy’s victory and declared him to be “the Fifth Emperor” among the Four Emperors.

Is Luffy officially the fifth yonko?

Luffy Is Already Considered A Yonko. Having already been declared as the Fifth Yonko of the Sea, Luffy is closer to the spot than anyone else in One Piece. Luffy has acquired a bounty of 1.5 billion berries, and, right now, he’s at Wano Country with the aim of taking down Kaido, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea.

Who is the 5th emperor of the sea in one piece?

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Luffy – The Fifth Emperor of the Sea. At the beginning of the Reverie Arc, Luffy’s achievements were compiled, greatly inflating his infamy, which was already immense to begin with.

Does Luffy deserve to be a yonko?

Yes,he did deserve to be called an emperor. He has achievements worthy of him being an emperor but his strength is yet weaker than an emperor’s.

Is Luffy emperor level?

He is not near an emperor level. We all know clearly Luffy is no where near the Level of Blackbeard, Big Mom, Kaido and of course Shanks.

In which episode Luffy become emperor?

“The World is Stunned – The Fifth Emperor of the Sea Emerges!” is the 878th episode of the One Piece anime.

Who is the strongest Yonko?

One Piece: 10 Strongest Yonko Commanders, Ranked

  • 9 Portgas D.
  • 8 Lucky Roux, Shanks’ Second Strongest Officer.
  • 7 Queen The Plague, Kaido’s All-Star.
  • 6 Flower Sword Vista, Whitebeard’s Fifth Division Commander.
  • 5 Diamond Jozu, Whitebeard’s Third Division Commander.
  • 4 King The Wildfire, Kaido’s Strongest Subordinate.
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How did Blackbeard become yonko?

However, broken the iron rule in Whitebeard’s ship of killing the fourth division commander, Thatch. He killed his former captain and stole his devil fruit. During the Payback War, Blackbeard and his crew defeated the Whitebeard Pirates which Blackbeard earned as a Yonko.