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Why is Monday called Segunda-Feira?

Why is Monday called Segunda-Feira?

This day gets its name from the Latin Sabbatum, which originally comes from the Hebrew Sabbath. Yeah, you guessed it: Sabbath translates to day of rest. So basically what we’ve learned is that domingo is a day off work, Segunda-feira to Sexta-feira are all feiras, or days of rest, and Sábado is also a day of rest.

What day is Quinta-Feira?

Quinta-feira [keen-tah fay-ee-rah] – Thursday. Sábado [sah-bah-doo] – Saturday. Domingo [doo-meen-goo] – Sunday.

What does Feira mean in Spanish?

The word feira comes from the word feria in Latin and it means “day of resting”, which is what all Christians should be doing before Domingo de Páscoa in order to please the Lord.

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What is the meaning of Segunda Feira?

British English: Monday /ˈmʌndɪ/ NOUN. Monday is the day after Sunday and before Tuesday.

Where does Segunda Feira come from?

Sunday would then be called, in Latin, feria prima (first free day), while the day after would be feria secunda (second free day) and so on….The origin of the names of the days of the week in Portuguese.

Day in Portuguese Origin
segunda-feira Play slow audio Play normal audio Monday Latin: feria secunda

What language is Quinta Feira?

These Latin roots are evident today in the Portuguese words for the days of the week….The origin of the names of the days of the week in Portuguese.

Day in Portuguese Origin
quinta-feira Thursday Latin: feria quinta
sexta-feira Friday Latin: feria sexta

How do you say months in Portuguese?

The months of the year in Portuguese are quite similar to the words in English….Learn how to say the months of the year in Portuguese.

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January janeiro
April abril
May maio
June junho
July julho

What did the Romans call the days of the week?

Days of the Week Origins

English Latin Italian
SUNDAY dies Solis (Sol’s day. Sol was an ancient Roman sun god.) domenica (from the Latin for “Lord’s day”)
MONDAY dies Lunae (Luna’s day. Luna was an ancient Roman moon goddess.) lunedì
TUESDAY dies Martis (Mars’s day. Mars was an ancient Roman god of war.) martedì

What is the first day of the week in Portugal?

The first day of the week, Monday in Portuguese is written as Segunda-Feira, and it is pronounced as “say-goon-dah fay-ee-rah.” The second day of the week, Tuesday in Portuguese is written as Terça-Feira, and it is pronounced as “tayr-sah fay-ee-rah.” The third day of the week, Wednesday in Portuguese is written as …

How do you say January in Brazil?

except for the first of the month when you do use primeiro….Learn how to say the months of the year in Portuguese.

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January janeiro
February fevereiro
March março
April abril
May maio