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Why is my battery light on after replacing battery and alternator?

Why is my battery light on after replacing battery and alternator?

It is possible that the problems that you have been experiencing with the bad alternators have damaged the battery causing it to be weak. This would make the Battery Light come on. It is also possible that there is a problem with the fusible link or the alternator fuse for the charging system.

What happens if battery light is on car but battery is charged?

If your battery warning light comes on whilst you’re driving, it means that your battery is no longer being charged by the alternator and is running only on its own charge. That means that your car is only running on battery power that will eventually run out, bringing your car to a halt.

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Why does battery light stay on when car is off?

The “battery light” indicates that the alternator delivers enough energy to recharge the battery. You cannot test this when the engine is not spinning, so the battery light stays on until the engine has started moving the alternator – and the alternator has shown that it is working.

What causes a battery light to stay on?

An illuminated battery light could be due to a number of issues, including: A loose or corroded battery cable. A problem with the alternator or voltage regulator. Damaged cells or plates inside the battery.

Why did my battery light come on then go off?

The battery light indicates that your charging system has a flaw in it which may be a sign of a weak battery, a failing voltage regulator or failing alternator. When the alternator is not working properly, this may result in the battery quickly losing charge and the car losing all power as you have described.

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Can I drive my car with battery light on?

Can I Keep Driving My Car if the Battery Light Is On? Yes, you can, for a short time. The light indicates that the alternator isn’t charging the battery, which means your car’s electrical system isn’t getting the full power it needs. Once this power is gone, the car will stop running.

What makes battery light come on?