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Why is thymidine used?

Why is thymidine used?

In cell biology it is used to synchronize the cells in G1/early S phase. The prefix deoxy- is often left out since there are no precursors of thymine nucleotides involved in RNA synthesis.

Does DNA have thymidine?

Thymine (T) is one of four chemical bases in DNA, the other three being adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). Within the DNA molecule, thymine bases located on one strand form chemical bonds with adenine bases on the opposite strand.

Why is radiolabeled thymidine used to track the cell cycle?

When cells are incubated with thymidine, they use the radiolabeled thymidine to synthesize DNA and incorporate it into their DNA backbone. So, thymidine is an excellent measure of DNA synthesis in cells that have undergone the S-Phase of cell replication.

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Why does DNA contain thymine while RNA contain uracil?

Uracil is energetically less expensive for the production of thymine. This can account for its utilization in RNA. Damage to DNA can change the nucleotide bases causing mutations that cannot be repaired if the base was uracil.

Is thymidine a pyrimidine?

Thymine is a pyrimidine (molecular formula, C5H6N2O2) found primarily within DNA in the form of a deoxynucleotidyl residue, paired with adenine.

How is thymidine formed?

Synthesis of Thymidine Nucleotides De novo synthesis of thymidilic acid (TMP) occurs exclusively by methylation of the C-5 of dUMP (Figure 27-28) by thymidylate synthase. The methylene group of N5, N10-methylene FH4 is the source of the methyl group, and FH4 is oxidized to FH2.

Does DNA contain guanine?

Guanine (G) is one of four chemical bases in DNA, with the other three being adenine (A), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Within the DNA molecule, guanine bases located on one strand form chemical bonds with cytosine bases on the opposite strand.

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What is the difference between thymine and thymidine?

The key difference between thymine and thymidine is that thymine is a nucleobase, whereas thymidine is a nucleoside. A nucleotide contains a nucleobase, sugar molecule and a phosphate group. The combination of a nucleobase with a sugar forms a nucleoside.

Are thymidine and thymine the same?