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Why is X-ray production referred to as the reverse of photoelectric effect?

Why is X-ray production referred to as the reverse of photoelectric effect?

The phenomenon of x-ray production is considered to be the inverse of the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect is when a high energy photon hits a metal surface an electron is emitted. In the inverse process, photons are emitted when electrons hit a metal. This happens in x-ray production.

What is the reverse process of photoelectric effect is?

In a reverse photoelectric effect, the production of X rays electrons accelerated by a high potential difference are impinged on a metal surface such as molybdenum and the kinetic energy of these electrons is converted into X-ray photons.

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What is the reverse effect of X-ray emission?

Photoelectric effect
Photoelectric effect is the opposite phenomenon of X-ray emission’.

Why x-rays are not used in photoelectric effect?

For the photoelectric effect that uses x-rays, the incoming x-rays photon’s energy should be more than the metal’s work-function used. It is to be noted that the photoelectric effect is the release of other free carriers or electrons when the material is hit by the light.

What is the reverse process of pair production?

Because of this, when pair production occurs, the atomic nucleus receives some recoil. The reverse of this process is electron positron annihilation.

What is braking radiation also known as?

bremsstrahlung, (German: “braking radiation”), electromagnetic radiation produced by a sudden slowing down or deflection of charged particles (especially electrons) passing through matter in the vicinity of the strong electric fields of atomic nuclei.

Does the photoelectric effect depends on frequency?

Does not depend on the frequency of photon but depends only on intensity of incident light.

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Is x-rays photoelectric effect?

The photoelectric effect is the dominant interaction for X rays with energies below 30 keV. The result is the ejection of a bound electron, usually from an inner shell, with a kinetic energy of hv – EB, where EB is the original binding energy of the electron.

What is the difference between X-ray and photoelectric effect?

photoelectric is dependent on the energy of the photon and the binding energy of the absorber or target atom. x-rays absorbed photoelectrically and those not absorbed. reach the film and less than half of these interact with the film to form the image.

Why the pair production process does not take place in vacuum?

If you have only one photon than the QED vertex that would describe the pair production is forbidden because it violates momentum conservation. If you have zero photons, but just vacuum fluctuations, you have not enough energy to create real particles, but only virtual pairs.

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What happens during pair production?

pair production, in physics, formation or materialization of two electrons, one negative and the other positive (positron), from a pulse of electromagnetic energy traveling through matter, usually in the vicinity of an atomic nucleus. Pair production is a direct conversion of radiant energy to matter.

What causes the electron to slow down in the target and produce bremsstrahlung radiation?

Bremsstrahlung Radiation A strong nuclear electric field inhibits penetration of the electron into the nucleus but causes the electron to decelerate and change direction (Fig. Bremsstrahlung x-rays have a spectrum of energies with an average energy somewhere below, but proportional to, the peak kilovolts used.