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Why Kerala is compared with developed countries?

Why Kerala is compared with developed countries?

Despite having a lower per capita income, the state is sometimes compared, at all metrics, to developed countries. A set of high material quality-of-life indicators coinciding with low per-capita incomes, both distributed across nearly the entire population of Kerala.

What is the standard of living in Kerala?

Kerala recording 72 per thousand population in life expectancy, 89.81 per cent in literacy rate, 13 per thousand in IMR and 17 per thousand in birth rate is way ahead of Punjab, which comes next, with 66.4 in life expectancy, 58.51 per cent in literacy rate, 52 in IMR and 23 in birth rate.

Why is Kerala more developed?

Answer: This is beacuse in Kerala the literacy rate and net attendance ratio is higher than that of Punjab. Moreover, more infanrs die in Punjab as compared to Kerala. Thus as a whole Kerala is considered to be more developed than Punjab.

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What makes Kerala different from other states?

The main reason why Kerala is different from other Indian states is the lack of cows! Kerala however has much more of a mixed population, religious wise. While the majority is still Hindu, there are also a significant number of Muslims and Christians.

Why Kerala is best in India?

The state boasts a high level of literacy, way above the country’s standard (for men AND women) and life expentancy is the highest in the whole Indian sub-continent. With its communist political regime, Kerala is one of India’s most stable states, where its citizens are the most involved.

Why Kerala is not developed?

Kerala’s economic struggling largely caused by its lack of innovation-most to do with education. Though Kerala’s primary education is somewhat better than other states in India, it has problems with higher education. The higher education did not contribute much to the state’s continuous development from the past.

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Why is Kerala unique?

Unique Featues of Kerala This narrow strip of land situated at the south western coast of the country is the scenic land of coconut trees, cool backwaters, lush hills, green landscape, and soothing ayurveda – a state of natural splendour. and more. Kerala has a distinct and diverse cultural background.