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Why people watch sci-fi movies?

Why people watch sci-fi movies?

What do people like about the sci-fi film genre?

  • The Future. ” I enjoy watching sci-fi movies because they explore possible futures of the world through advancing technologies, and this really interests me.”
  • Audience Research.
  • The thrill.
  • What is the Sci-fi genre?
  • Realism.
  • Escapism.

What are example of sci fi movies?

Blade Runner.

  • Alien.
  • Solaris.
  • ET: The Extra-Terrestrial.
  • Star Wars.
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Close encounters of the third kind, directed by Steven Spielberg (1977).
  • The Terminator/Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Arnold Schwarzenegger in Terminator 2.
  • The Matrix. The Matrix is a teenage boy’s dream.
  • What are some of the most obscure Sci-Fi movies you’ve ever seen?

    10 Obscure Sci-Fi Films You’ve Probably Never Seen 1 Brazil (1985) 2 Westworld (1973) 3 Mr. Nobody (2009)

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    Is Moon the best example of sci-fi cinema?

    Jones has gone on to make the excellent Source Code and the less warmly received Warcraft and Mute; but Moon remains as personal and pure an example of sci-fi cinema as anything we’ve seen in years.

    What are the 15 most underrated sci-fi movies of the last decade?

    The 15 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies of the Last Decade 1 The Adjustment Bureau (2011) 2 Predestination (2014) 3 Snowpiercer (2013) 4 Edge of Tomorrow (2013) 5 About Time (2013) 6 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) 7 Midnight Special (2016) 8 Voyage of Time (2016) 9 Star Trek Beyond (2016) 10 Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

    Is ‘Midnight Special’ the best sci-fi movie the ’80s never made?

    WETA’s motion-capture CG here is way past the point of photo-real here, as the line between digital and flesh and blood vanishes every time Andy Serkis and Toby Kebbell bring to life friends-turned-rivals Caesar and Koba, respectfully. Midnight Special, writer-director Jeff Nichols ’ follow-up to Mud, is the best sci-fi movie the ‘80s never made.

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