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Why was grade 13 removed Ontario?

Why was grade 13 removed Ontario?

it was hoped that eventually all undergraduate university courses would be publicly funded This idea was abandoned as high schools became more crowded and a 4 year high school program won out. Grade 13 was extremely rigorous and challenging.

When did they get rid of grade 13 in Canada?

The Ontario education system had five years of secondary education, the fifth year known as “grade 13” from 1921 to 1988. Then, grade 13 was replaced in 1993 by the OAC for students starting high school (grade 9). The OAC continued to act as a fifth year of secondary education until it was phased out in 2003.

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Why did they remove grade 13?

Combined with financially pressured school boards beginning to call for the abolition of grade 13 as a means of financial restraint, this resulted in the government reevaluating its secondary education system.

What grade is 13 Canada?

Canada’s grade levels compared to other countries

Starting age Canada United States
11-12 Grade 6 Grade 6
12-13 Grade 7 Grade 7
13-14 Grade 8 Grade 8
14-15 Grade 9 Grade 9

When did Ontario stop grade 13?

And for those who have always wondered, the “13” in our name is from Ontario Grade 13, which ended in 1988. It was replaced by Ontario Academic Credits (OAC), which were phased out in 2003. Now in Ontario, high school ends with grade 12.

Did BC ever have Grade 13?

In 1949-50, Grade 13 was added to the curriculum, whereas before students would have had to travel to other municipalities. A fire destroyed the industrial wing on April 30th, 1951, but it was soon rebuilt.

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When did they take away Grade 13 in Ontario?