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Why was Smith so strong in revolutions?

Why was Smith so strong in revolutions?

Smith became powerful because he was no longer part of the Matrix code, and thus less restricted. Smith was not destroyed by Neo, Neo however by allowing himself to be absorbed by Smith enabled the machines to cut the link between Smith and the Matrix.

How did Neo beat Smith in Matrix Revolutions?

Neo is blinded in the fight, but discovers that his new awareness of Machine technology allows him to perceive Smith’s essence despite his destroyed eyes, allowing him to take Smith by surprise and kill him.

What was Agent Smiths goal in the Matrix?

Whereas Neo’s goal is to save Zion and the humans inside the Matrix, Agent Smith’s goal was to destroy Zion and all humans. Whereas Neo was known as the One, Agent Smith (by copying himself onto others) became the Many. Neo wants to bring order while Smith wants only chaos.

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How did Smith become stronger than Neo?

In the first Matrix movie, Neo is brought back to life by a kiss from Trinity. When Smith becomes an exile in The Matrix Reloaded, however, his assimilation redresses the balance, eventually making Smith equal to Neo (more on that later).

How did Neo get his powers?

Neo has carried, since his conception, the Matrix’s source code known as the Prime Program. This gives him the ability to freely manipulate the simulated reality of the Matrix, similar to the authority a system administrator has over a given system. He manifests these abilities as various superhuman powers.

Who is the one Neo or Agent Smith?

In the end, Neo and Agent Smith fuse together, which means that Smith joins with the source, which is the stated eventual goal of The One. So basically, Neo isn’t so much The One, as he is the conduit by which Agent Smith is used to be the One.

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Did Neo beat Smith?

The war between humans and machines ended shortly after Trinity died in a crash. Neo sacrificed himself to stop the spread of Agent Smith, which the Matrix could no longer control. There he allowed himself to be absorbed by Smith’s program. Neo destroyed it from within, and in the process both he and Agent Smith died.