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Why we should stop drilling for oil?

Why we should stop drilling for oil?

Oil and gas drilling is a dirty business Oil and gas drilling has a serious impact on our wildlands and communities. Drilling projects operate around the clock generating pollution, fueling climate change, disrupting wildlife and damaging public lands that were set aside to benefit all people.

Should the United States drill for oil in Alaska wilderness?

As oil is used in many other things than cars, it is a good idea to drill for oil in ANWR for many more reasons. Drilling will also increase oil revenues for the state of Alaska , which is a huge benefit. And drilling oil in ANWR could possibly lower gas prices at the pump.

Why we should not drill for oil in the Arctic?

The vast size, remote location, and extreme weather conditions—combined with the complete lack of infrastructure for responding to oil spills—make drilling in the Arctic Ocean extremely dangerous. Our ability to respond to emergencies and oil spills is severely limited.

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Why we should not drill for oil in the ocean?

Offshore drilling puts our workers, waters, and wildlife at risk of blowouts, explosions, and disastrous spills. The burning of oil and gas contributes to the carbon pollution that is driving climate change, warming our oceans, raising sea levels, and threatening our communities and coasts.

Why should we not drill for oil in the Atlantic Ocean?

And oil spills have disastrous effects for our environment, from sea turtles covered in oil, to polluted beaches, to serious consequences for the life and livelihoods of Americans in coastal communities who face a loss of income from fishing and tourism, as well as a threat to their way of life.

Should oil development be allowed in the ANWR?

Oil development would bring roads, airstrips, heavy machinery, noise and pollution. This would damage the refuge’s fragile tundra ecosystem and disrupt age-old migration and denning patterns for caribou, polar bears and other animals.

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Should the United States drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?

The Arctic is no place for oil and gas drilling, and this site is not far from one of America’s last wild places—the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Why drilling in Alaska is bad?

Why is drilling in Alaska bad?

There are as many reasons that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a bad idea as there are caribou that call it home. Drilling in the refuge would damage the habitat of the wolves, muskoxen, arctic foxes, wolverines, brown bears, golden eagles, tundra swans and snowy owls that call it home.